Monday, March 2, 2015

Week of March 2nd

Dear Parent/s,

Can you believe it is March already?! We will really be focusing on memorizing math facts and reading with accuracy and fluency for the next few months. Please be sure to be practicing these things at home each night. We will finish making our subtraction flash cards this week. Here are your reminders for the week:

- We will celebrate our month mass on Tuesday at 9:00. Please come join us!

- Thursday we will have a math test on place value and 10 more/less and 1 more/less.

- Friday we will have a spelling test on some commonly used sight words (list posted below) and the Chapter 11 Religion test.

- The second trimester ends on Friday.

- Tests will be sent home today. Please sign and return them tomorrow. If you have any questions please let me know.

- A St. Patrick's Day project was sent home today and will be do Tuesday, March 17th. I told the students that they can work with another student if they want! Please let me know if you have any questions.

That's it! Have a great week!

Miss Tosti

Reading: study Magic Words
RN page 151
Math: workbook page 66
study facts

Reading: study Magic Words
RN page 150
Math: workbook page 71
study facts

Reading: study Magic Words
RN page 152
Math: complete review sheet for test
study facts

Reading: study Magic Words
Math: FIM for 15 minutes
study facts

A Peek at Our Week!

We will finish up  Chapter 11 "The Holy Spirit Helps the Church to Grow" and have the test on Friday.

Story: At Home in the Ocean
Target Skill: Author's Purpose (why did the author write the story)
Phonics Skill: digraph -th, ending -s, -es, -ed, -ing
Grammar Skill: Proper nouns
Spelling words: blue, cold, far, little, live, their, water, where.

Spelling words for test this week (do, can, could, when, did, what, so, see, not, were, get, them, like, one, this)
We will finish up our unit on place value and finding 10 more/less and 1 more/less and have our test on Thursday. We will also begin to review time and money to prepare for the Terra Nova.
We will continue to do timed math, however the amount of time to complete the 60 problems will go down. Please make sure your child is studying their facts each night. There are a ton of apps and websites that they can used to practice!
Timed math worksheets can be found at the website below. All you need to do is select all of the numbers next to "Adding," click "Create Worksheet" at the bottom of the page and print!

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