Monday, November 30, 2020

Week of 11/30

Dear Parents!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and a nice break. Our first virtual day went smoothly! Thank you for having them on time and prepared. I was really impressed with all of them. I know it is not easy for them to sit and listen for that long, but we completed everything I had planned and they were GREAT!

Here are the reminders for this week:

- Virtual school Monday and Tuesday of this week.

- Test folders will be sent home on Wednesday. Please sign and return on Thursday.

- Dress down day on Friday of this week. Please send in $1.00.

- NO SCHOOL next Monday or Tuesday (12/7 & 12/8)

- Grades close this Friday, 12/4. Report cards will be given out the week of 12/14.

- If you signed up for Mystery Reader on a day that we had off please feel free to sign up for another date!

Have a great week!

Miss Tosti

A Peek at Our Week!

We will finish Chapter 5 and take the test together in class. No studyguide needed! We will also start talking about the season of Advent.

Story: "At Home in the Ocean"
Target Skill: Fact and Opinion
Phonics Skill: Long A, (a_e and ay, introduce -ai) digraph th
Grammar: Proper Nouns
Sight Words: blue, cold, far, little, live, their, water, where
Spelling Words: that, then, with, cape, name, make, say, pray

We will begin our unit of Place Value. We will focus on learning tens and ones and where they go in the place value "house". We will also practice making tens, teen numbers and numbers up to 40.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Week of 11/23

Our friends in 5th grade wrote us some awesome saint books!

Dear Parents,

There are only 14 school days until Christmas break! I cannot believe how fast this year is flying by. This week we will start our new story and start learning the long a sound and do Thanksgiving themed activities. We will also have our class party on Tuesday! Thanks to everyone who donated! I hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving! Please know that the entire SKS faculty and staff are so grateful and thankful for your support this year. We could not do this without your help and support! 

Below you will find everything you need to know regarding Virtual School on Monday and Tuesday of next week.

Virtual School Information for Monday 11/30 & 12/1

- Next Monday and Tuesday we will be fully virtual. The kids will be coming home with all of their workbooks and copybooks on Tuesday. There will not be any worksheets to print for Monday or Tuesday. The kids will have their Monthly Folder home with things to do if they finish early or have extra time.  I will review these tips and rules with the kids in school this week, but it is a great idea for you to review them at home as well. 

A few helpful tips and suggestions are:

        - Please be sure to have your child logged into google and ready to go by Sunday night. 

        - Post the Meeting code somewhere visible: ktosti19

        - Look at the Virtual Schedule a couple days ahead of time.

        - Follow a Virtual Learning Schedule: HERE (students will stay logged on for morning break but will have to resign on after lunch at 12:10).

       - Have materials ready for the week: pencils, workbooks, copybooks, reader, crayons, colored pencils, headphones, etc.

       - Have a quiet distraction free place to work. Students should not be laying on beds, away from your pets, TV, toys, and other family members.  

       - Wear your required uniform daily (spring uniform is okay).

      - Make sure devices are fully charged and have the charger available if needed.

      - Check your child’s computer volume and practice muting and unmuting.

     - Remind your child that virtual school is like being at school, but from home. The same behavior is expected. They should be respectful of the teacher and classmates.  

      - If they have question or need help with something, they should ask ME,  just like if we were in school! You should be nearby in case your child needs help finding a page or logging on, but you should not have to sit with your child during each lesson.

    - The kids should stay on mute at all times unless they are called on or have a question. If they have a question, they can raise their hand. Please do not use the raise hand button or thumbs up button as it becomes a distraction. Also, they are not allowed to change their backgrounds.

I know this is a lot of information, but it will help everything transition smoothly if you are prepared and ready to go! Remember, this is a trial run and we can tweak things if we need to!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Miss Tosti

They even gave us special cross pins! 

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Week of 11/16

Congrats to Madison, our first Peacemaker this year!

Dear Parents,

We had another great week last week and will keep going strong into the holiday season. Please be sure to have all of the upcoming days off marked on your calendar. Thank you so much for being so flexible and giving us some days to meet with each other and plan. We truly, truly appreciate your support! Here are your reminders for this week:

- Thank you so much for purchasing my Scholastic Book Wish List! It was the best surprise to get the box last week and we have been having so much fun reading our new books! You guys are the best!

- The work for today can be found below and in the email I sent out. Please have your child complete the activities today. 

- Dress Down Day on Tuesday for Jenna's Blessings Bags. Please send in $1.00 to dress down.

- Test folders will be sent home on Wednesday. Please sign and return on Thursday.

- There will be a math test on fact families and mixed addition and subtraction on Thursday. We will be reviewing all week.

- There will be a reading and spelling test on Friday this week.

That is all for now! 
Miss Tosti

Work for Monday, 11/16
1. Log on to Kids A-Z and click on "Assignment". Your child should do the following for both books:
- listen to the story
- record themselves reading the story
- take the quiz

2. Optional practice: StarFall - go to the mouse and review all short vowels or play other games!

1. Log on to Seesaw and complete: Fact Family Practice

2. Log on to IXL. Go to "From Your Teacher" and complete activity J.4 "Addition and Subtraction Facts- up to 10" under Math.

A Peek at Our Week!

We will begin Chapter 5 "Jesus Teaches Us About Love".

Story: "A Cupcake Party"
Target Skill: Story Structure (characters, setting, plot)
Phonics Skill: Short u sound and final blends -mp -nt, -nd, -st, -sk
Grammar: using a, an and the. Synonyms and antonyms
Sight Words: eat, give, one, put, small, take,
Spelling Words: sun, bus, but, run, fun, us

This week we have a test on fact families and mixed addition and subtraction on Thursday.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Week of 11/9

 Dear Parents,

Thanks to everyone for taking the time to meet with me for conferences. Communication between the teacher and parents is crucial to the success of your child and I appreciate you giving up your time.
The kids have already grown so much since September and it is exciting to see their reading skills develop and grow. We will start learning long vowel patterns after we finish this story and start our second reading unit! Here are your reminders for the week:

- Our Virtual Monthly Mass for November will be on Tuesday at 9:00 am. All are welcome! (Virtual students may sign on at 10:35.)

- Chapter 4 Religion test will be on Wednesday. A study guide was sent home today.

- On Friday, the kids will record their Christmas Concert song! Please send them to school dressed in their Christmas/Sunday best! You do not have to send in a change of clothes. 

- Reminder there is no school on Monday, November 16th!

- Please make sure you have the apps Seesaw, IXL and Kids A-Z downloaded for your child at home! It is a good idea to start checking their Seesaw 1-2 nights a week to see what we are doing in school and to fix some mistakes on assignments that I will be sending back to them. Kids A-Z is also great for practicing reading at home! The kids know how to use both of these! This will be good practice for the two virtual days after Thanksgiving. 

Have a great week!

Miss Tosti

We practiced subtraction a lot of the last two weeks!

We loved using our dice to roll and subtract!

A Peek at Our Week!

We will finish Chapter 4 and have a test on Wednesday.

Story: "A Cupcake Party"
Target Skill: Story Structure (characters, setting, plot)
Phonics Skill: Short u sound and final blends -mp -nt, -nd, -st, -sk
Grammar: using a, an and the. Synonyms and antonyms
Sight Words: eat, give, one, put, small, take,
Spelling Words: sun, bus, but, run, fun, us

This week we will learn about Fact Families and practice relating addition to subtraction! 

Monday, November 2, 2020

Week of 11/2

Dear Parents,

Even though Halloween this year was a little different, we still had an AWESOME day! The costumes were great and we loved watching the video and seeing all the costumes! Here are your reminders for the week:

- As the weather gets chillier please remember to send your child in with a coat, hat, gloves etc. We will still be trying to get outside as much as we can. Don't forget to label everything too! Thanks for you help with this!

- We will finish up the story "Dr. Seuss" but there will be no reading or spelling test this week.

- There will be a math test on subtraction on Thursday. We will do a review in school on Wednesday. The kids have been doing really well with it!

- No school on Friday due to Parent/Teacher Conferences. I look forward to meeting with you all! I will send home a conference sheet with your child tomorrow or Wednesday. Please have it with you during the conference. Again, I am happy to meet with anyone any night this week too if your scheduled changed! 

- Just a reminder that there will be no school on Monday, November 16th for a teacher in-service day. Thanks!

Have a great week!

Miss Tosti

A Peek at Our Week!

We will start Chapter 4 "Jesus Works Among the People"

Story: "Dr. Seuss"
Target Skill: Graphic Features and Biographies
Phonics Skill: Short e sound and -s blends
Grammar: Antonyms
Sight Words: after, draw, pictures, read, was, write, 
Spelling Words: yes, let, red, ten, bed, get

We will have a test on subtraction this week on using a number line, word problems, and finding the missing part. We will do a review on Wednesday.