Monday, December 19, 2016

Week of 12/19

Mrs. Gallagher got us in the Christmas spirit with home holiday books!

Dear Parents,

Before we get to the happenings of this week I would like to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year! I hope you take some time to relax and enjoy all the blessings in your life.

The last week before Christmas break will be FULL of Christmas fun! Here is what we will be doing:

- No homework this week! Merry Christmas!

- On Tuesday, Mrs. Downs will be coming in to teach the kids a little about Hanukkah!

- Wednesday will be our Polar Express Day! We will make pizzelles, drink hot chocolate and watch the Polar Express. Thank you to everyone who donated supplies!

- The 5th-8th grades will put on Tableau this Wednesday night at 7:00pm in the Church. They really do a wonderful job at reminding everyone about the true meaning of Christmas. All are welcome to go.

- Thursday is our bowling trip with our 8th grade buddies! Please make sure they have a morning snack or money for a pretzel that they can take to eat at the alley. Pizza will be provided for lunch when we get back from bowling.

- Thursday is a dress down day. Please send in $1.00 to dress down. If your child doesn't dress down they can wear their gym uniform to school since we will be going on our field trip.

- School resumes on Tuesday, January 3rd!

Have a great break!

Miss Tosti

The K-4 Christmas Concert was a great night!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Week of 12/12

Dear Parents,

We have made it to the last full week before Christmas break. Where is the time going?! There is a lot going on the next two weeks. Here are your reminders:

- Report cards will be sent home Tuesday. Please sign the envelope and send it back. The report card can stay at home.

- The K-4 Christmas Show will be Wednesday night at 7:00pm in the Church. Please have your child in the Parish Center no later than 6:40pm. They are to dress in their "Christmas Best." Please no jeans or sneakers.

- Our bowling field trip permission form and money should be turned in by Friday, December 16th. If you would like to chaperone please email me or send me in a note. I will be picking 4 names out of a hat on Thursday. Please remember you must have all clearances to chaperone.

- If you are Mystery Reader, please refrain from bringing in treats for the kids. Due to allergies, the only time we can have treats brought in is for birthdays and holiday parties.

- We will have the spelling and reading tests this Friday.


Reading: page 159
practice Magic Words
Math: page 43

Reading: page 162
practice Magic Words
Math: complete worksheet

Wednesday - No Homework - Christmas Concert
practice Magic Words

Reading: study for spelling test tomorrow
review story for test tomorrow
Math: FIM 15 minutes

A Peek at Our Week!

We start Chapter 8 - "Jesus Had Many Followers."

Story: "At Home in the Ocean"
Target Skill: Author's Purpose (Persuade, inform, entertain)
Phonics Skill: Long A, digraph -th, endings (ed, ing, s, es)
Grammar: Proper Nouns
Magic Words: blue, cold, far, little, live, their, water, where, here, me, my, who
Spelling Words: that, them, then, with, this, bath, cake, stay, my, me, who, this

We will continue our unit on subtraction this week. We will continue practicing how to check subtraction by using addition. We will also start working with Fact Families.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Week of 12/5

Special thanks to Fiona's grandparents who came in and read to us last week!

Dear Parents,

The next three weeks are busy and full of holiday fun! Please be sure to read all reminders and mark some dates on your calendars. Here are the reminders for this week:

- The second trimester begins today. Report cards will be sent home before the break.

- We will be going to Santa's Secret Shop on Tuesday at 2:00pm. Please send your child's envelope in by Tuesday marked with who they are buying for and approximately how much to spend on each person. If you would like to come in and help your child shop that is fine!

- There is no school on Thursday.

- Friday we will celebrate the monthly Mass at 9:00am. All are welcome to join us!

- We will have a reading and spelling test on the story "At Home in the Ocean" on Friday this week.

- Please ask your child to check their art supplies and pencil cases. Many kids are in need of new pencils, glues sticks, index cards etc. It would be a good idea to get some new supplies over break. Thank you!

- A reminder that next Wednesday, December 14th is the K-4 Christmas Concert. It begins at 7:00pm in the Church. Students are to wear their "Christmas" best and you are asked to drop them off at the Parish Center at 6:30pm before. I promise it will get you in the Christmas spirit!

That is all for now!


Reading: page 154
practice Magic Words
Math: page 41

Reading: page 156
practice Magic Words
Math: page 42

Reading: write spelling words 2x each
study for tests on Friday
practice Magic Words
Math: FIM 15 minutes

A Peek at Our Week!

We start Chapter 8 - "Jesus Had Many Followers."

Story: "At Home in the Ocean"
Target Skill: Author's Purpose (Persuade, inform, entertain)
Phonics Skill: Long A, digraph -th, endings (ed, ing, s, es)
Grammar: Proper Nouns
Magic Words: blue, cold, far, little, live, their, water, where, here, me, my, who
Spelling Words: that, them, then, with, this, bath, seven, and, here, she

We will continue our unit on subtraction this week. We will continue practicing how to check subtraction by using addition. We will also start working with Fact Families.