Monday, March 25, 2019

Week of 3/25

Dear Parents,

Happy Terra Nova week! We will be taking different parts of the test each day. Please follow the schedule that was sent home last week. I told the kids that for homework this week they should be in bed by 8:30pm at the absolute latest and that they should be eating a healthy breakfast and packing a healthy snack for recess. These little things really do make a difference. Here are a few reminders:

- Please make sure the kids have a few sharpened #2 pencils each day for the test.

- Report cards will be sent home tomorrow. Please sign and return only the envelope. The report card can stay home.

- There will be no homework this week! Getting to bed early should be easier this way! :)

-  If you did not send in coins with your child last week please send them in tomorrow! If you could include 4 quarters, 10 dimes, 10 nickels and 10 pennies that would be great! Thanks for your help with this!

A Peek at Our Week!

We will continue Chapter 15 "We Belong to a Parish" this week.

We will be reviewing old stories, skills, and sight words this week!

We will continue working with money. We will work on identifying coins and how much they are worth. We will also start counting mixed coins.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Week of 3/18

Dear Parents,

We had a blast celebrating St. Patrick's Day and showing off our leprechaun traps! I am sure you heard all about our visit from Lucky Leprechaun :). The third trimester begins today and the weeks will continue to be busy! Here are the reminders for this week:

- We will continue reviewing for the Terra Nova tests that will be taken next week.  A schedule and some tips for taking standardized tests will be sent home this week. Attached to the schedule will be a blank letter and envelope. I ask that you please write your child an encouraging note that they will read Monday morning before we start the tests. This will hopefully calm any nerves that they may have. Please send the letter in by Friday at the latest. Thanks for your help with this :).

- We will start working with money this week and I ask that you please send in some coins with your child in a ziplock bag marked with their name. If you could include 4 quarters, 10 dimes, 10 nickels and 10 pennies by Wednesday that would be great! Thanks for your help with this!

- There will be a test on time on Thursday.  A review will be sent home Thursday night for homework.

- There will be a reading and spelling test on Friday.

Leprechaun Traps!

The creativity and thought that goes into constructing the leprechaun traps never ceases to amaze me! I love looking at them and listening to the kids explain how they work and seeing the excitement in their eyes. Thank you for your help with this. Unfortunately, we didn't catch a leprechaun, but there is always next year! Check out the amazing traps!


Reading: page 25
practice Magic Words
Math: page 115

Reading: page 28
practice Magic Words
Math: page 116

Reading: page 20
practice Magic Words
Math: complete test review

Reading: study for tests
practice Magic Words
Math: page 104

A Peek at Our Week!

We will start Chapter 15 "We Belong to a Parish" this week.

Story: "The Big Trip"
Target Skill: Compare and Contrast
Phonics Skill: Long E (ea, e, e_e, ee) and -ng, -nk words
Grammar: compound sentences
Magic Words: about, could, sure, by, don't, there, car, maybe, very, travel, really, through
Spelling Words: read, feet, tree, keep, mean, these, thing, sink, tank, string, very, about
*Tests on Friday

We will review time to the hour, half hour, time patterns and elapsed time and have a test on Thursday.  We will also start working with money. We will identify coins and how much they are worth.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Week of 3/11

Dear Parents,

I hope this warmer weather stays with us! The second trimester closes this Friday and I can assure you that this last trimester will FLY by. In this final trimester, we really focus on responsibility, independence and self control. We talk a lot about being "almost second graders" and what being in second grade entails. One of the best parts of teaching first grade is seeing the growth that each child makes in 9 short months. Thinking back from September until now they are completely different kiddos! I am sure you see it too :)

Here are the reminders for this week:

- The Go Run program starts next week! Miss Elisio and I are taking it over this year and are very excited for our first season! If your child wants to join, please see the flyer on the school website and register by Friday!

- Test folders will be sent home tomorrow. Please sign and return on Wednesday.

- There will be math test on graphing tomorrow. The kids have been doing a great job with this!

- There will be a Religion test on Chapter 12 on Friday. A studyguide will be sent home today.

- Leprechaun Traps are due on Friday! If you could refrain from sending them in early it would be greatly appreciated! Unfortunately, there is not enough room to store 13 traps for the week! Also, if you could have your child practice telling how their traps work that would be great because they will be presenting them to the class!

That's all for now!

Miss Tosti

Learning About Space

We LOVED reading our story "Let's Go to the Moon" the past two weeks! We learned so much about the moon, space and astronauts. We took a tour of the actual moon and we even watched the SpaceX Falcon rocket launch that happened on March 2nd. Check out NASA Kids with your child if they still want to learn more!


Reading: page 17
practice Magic Words
Math: graph review
Graphing quiz tomorrow

Reading: page 18
practice Magic Words
Math: page 114
Religion: study for test

Reading: page 19
practice Magic Words

Math: complete worksheet
Religion: study for test

Reading: page 22
practice Magic Words
Math: complete worksheet
Religion: study for test tomorrow

A Peek at Our Week!

We will finish Chapter 12 "The Church Serves" and have a test on Friday.

Story: "The Big Trip"
Target Skill: Compare and Contrast
Phonics Skill: Long E (ea, e, e_e, ee) and -ng, -nk words
Grammar: compound sentences
Magic Words: about, could, sure, by, don't, there, car, maybe, very, travel, really, through
Spelling Words: read, feet, tree, keep, mean, these, thing, sink, tank, string, very, about

We will continue with our time unit and practice telling time to the hour and half hour. We will work with time patterns and learn about elapsed time. There will be a graphing quiz on Tuesday.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Week of 3/4

Dear Parents,

Time to start thinking Spring after all of these nuisance snow storms! March is a busy month with Lent, Leprechaun Traps and Terra Nova testing. Please be sure to read all reminders!
Here they are for this week:

- We will continue to review for the Terra Nova test that we will take the week of 3/25.

- Tuesday is a dress down day. Please send in $1.00.

- There is a Home and School meeting on Tuesday night at 7:00pm on vaping. We hope you can join us as this issue is becoming more and more prevalent.

- We will celebrate the Ash Wednesday with Mass at 9:00 am. All are welcome!

- Reading and spelling tests will be on Friday this week.


Reading:page 10
practice Magic Words
Math: page 53

Reading: page 11
practice Magic Words
Math: complete worksheet

Reading: page 13
practice Magic Words
Math: page 112

Reading: study for reading and spelling test
practice Magic Words
Math: complete worksheet

A Peek at Our Week!

We will begin Chapter 12 "The Church Serves" and we will also talk about Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent.

Story: ""Let's Go to the Moon"
Target Skill: Main Idea and Details
Phonics Skill: Long U and review Long O
Grammar: questions
Magic Words: around, should, before, bring, carry, light, show, think, people, beautiful, wear, tools
Spelling Words: hole, stove, bone, so, go, flew, grew, blue, super, soon, think, before
**Test on Friday!**

We will continue reviewing and working with graphs. We will also begin our unit on time this week! We will start by learning about the minute and hour hands and learning how to tell time on analog clocks.