Monday, December 21, 2020

Week of 12/21

Dear Parents,

How is Christmas this week!? I'm so proud of the kids and how hard they have worked so far this year! Before we get to the happenings of this week I would like to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year! I hope you take some time to relax and enjoy all of the blessings in your life, even if the holidays look a little different this year! Please know that all of us here at SKS are so thankful for you and for your support. 

Here are the reminders for this week and for when we come back after break:

- If you haven't returned your report card envelope please send it in tomorrow!

- Tomorrow is a FREE dress down day! Kids can wear Christmas attire or their pajamas to school. Please no slippers :)

- Don't forget Virtual School for Monday 1/4 and Tuesday 1/5 when we return from break.

- The Board of Limited Jurisdiction has given every student a special SKS Blue Ribbon School shirt! I sent them home today in your child's school bag. If your child is virtual, I can give it to them when they return after break or let me know if you would like to pick it up today or tomorrow.


- There were 2 packets sent home last week:
        1. Packet 1 - marked with "Monday 1" is for the Virtual Days on 1/4 and 1/5. Please keep these in a safe spot!
        2. Packet 2 - marked "OPTIONAL Christmas Break Packet" - this is 100% optional! It will not be graded, nor does it need to be turned in. It is a packet reviewing the skills we have learned in phonics and math thus far this year. If your child would like to work on it over break they may do so. Most papers they will be able to complete by themselves. Again, this is completely optional!
*All packets can be found under the virtual tab if they get misplaced!

Have a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!

Miss Tosti

Monday, December 14, 2020

Week of 12/14

First snow of the winter!

Dear Parents,

I hope you got a chance to watch the Virtual Christmas Concert. The kids did a great job! Here are your reminders for the week:

- We will start a new story this week and the long vowel e. 

- We will have math test on Wednesday on place value.

- Report cards will be sent home today. Please remember that these grades are a reflection of your child's work in school along with their test scores. Please read the letter in the envelope from Mr. Tosti explaining report cards. You may keep the actual report card at home. Please sign and return the envelope.

- There is no school on Friday, but there will be asynchronous assignments sent out Thursday night. They will be on Seesaw and IXL like they were last time. Mr. Burman will also send you an optional music assignment too!

Have a great week!

Miss Tosti

We practiced building numbers with our place value blocks this week!

A Peek at Our Week!

We will start Chapter 8 "Jesus Had Many Followers". We will learn about how Jesus traveled all over to get followers and that he taught them how to pray. We will also learn what are praying for when we pray the Lord's Prayer.

Story: "How Leopard Got His Spots"
Target Skill: Sequence of Events
Phonics Skill: Long E, digraph -ch, -tch
Grammar: Statements and Commands
Sight Words: hold, been, brown, know, never, off, out, own, very, good
Spelling Words: chin, chop, much, rich, cheer, beach, three, teach

We will continue have a test on place value on matching place value blocks to the number they represent, identifying digits in the tens and ones place, and finding the value of digits.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Week of 12/7

Dear Parents,

I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend! I thought virtual school went pretty smoothly on Monday and Tuesday of last week. Thanks again for your help and patience with it!  If you have any feedback about how the virtual days went, how the schedule was etc, feel free to share! Here are your reminders for the short week:

- If your child is ever virtual you can find the times to log on, the worksheets for the week and other helpful info on the blog under the Virtual Information tab!

- There will be a spelling and reading test on Friday. The spelling words are more difficult with the long vowel patterns so please be sure to study! For the reading test, I will only be reading the comprehension questions. The kids will have to read the choices and pick their answer.

- Virtual Monthly Mass on Friday at 9:00! Virtual kids do not need to sign on until 10:35 this day.

- Report cards will be given out next week.

- Please be sure that your child is reviewing sight words and is reading, especially during the days off and over break! They can lose these important skills just as fast as they learn them! This should be their "homework" along with math facts every night. Kids A-Z and IXL are both great for practice at home. Please use them!

- I sent home a packet of "Sight Word Phrases" with each child today to practice at home. This will help with sight word recognition and fluency! Work on one page at a time. Once your child can read the phrase without pausing or having to sound out words, check it off! Once they can read all the phrases on the first page with pausing/sounding out, move on to the next page.

- I am planning on starting homework when we return from Christmas Break.

- Hopefully you read Mr. Tosti's blog that was sent out earlier in the week! We will be having Virtual School on Monday, January 4th and Tuesday, January 5th when we return from Christmas break.

Have a great week!

Miss Tosti

A Peek at Our Week!

We will continue to talk about the Advent season and the meaning of Christmas!

Story: "At Home in the Ocean"
Target Skill: Fact and Opinion
Phonics Skill: Long A, (a_e and ay, introduce -ai) digraph th
Grammar: Proper Nouns
Sight Words: blue, cold, far, little, live, their, water, where
Spelling Words: that, then, with, cape, name, make, say, pray

We will begin our unit of Place Value. We will focus on identifying the value of digits and building numbers with place value blocks.