Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Week of 1/25

Dear Parents,

I hope you all survived Jonas and enjoyed the extra day at home! We will get right back in to the swing of things today. Here are some reminders:

- Pictures for the yearbook will be taken tomorrow so please do not use any dress down passes tomorrow.

- There will be a spelling and reading test on Friday.

- The kids should be able to complete most of their homework by themselves at this point in the year (reading the directions and sentences/questions), but I ask that you please check and make sure that all homework is completed. If your child has any trouble please let me know so I can review it with them at school.

That is all for now!

Miss Tosti

Reading: practice Magic Words
read for 15 minutes 
Reading page 184
Phonics page 224
Math: workbook page 61
study facts

Reading: practice Magic Words
read for 15 minutes
Reading page 185
Phonics page 225
Math: workbook page 62
study facts

Reading: practice Magic Words
read for 15 minutes
Reading page 189
Phonics page 226
Math: workbook page 63
study facts

A Peek at Our Week!

We will begin Chapter 9 "Jesus Died and Rose to New Life" this week.

Story: "Seasons"
Target Skill: Cause and effect
Phonics Skill: Long E, digraph -sh, -wh, -ph and contractions 's and n't
Grammar: Subjects and verbs
Magic Words: down, fall, goes, green, grow, new, open, yellow, many, pull, down, want
Spelling Words: ship, shop, which, when, whip, fish, want, like, this, look
*Reading and spelling test will be this Fridayt

We will continue our unit on place value this week. We will learn about the tens and ones place and practice identifying tens and ones in numbers.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Week of 1/19

Dear Parents,

I hope you had a nice long weekend. This week we will start a new story in our reader and a new unit in math on place value.  Here are a few reminders:

- Last week there were a lot of students who had incomplete homework. I ask that you please check that all of your child's homework in complete each night.

- Test folders will be sent home tomorrow. Please sign and return them on Thursday.

- There will be a Religion test on Chapter 8 on Friday.

- I still am in need of a Mystery Reader for Thursday, 1/28. Please email me if you are interested.

- It is finally starting to feel like winter! Please make sure you send your child in with appropriate winter clothes to wear at morning and afternoon recess.

- Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, February 9th for the Book Fair and Grandparents/Special Friends Day. More information will be sent home in the coming weeks.

That is all for now!

Miss Tosti

Reading: practice Magic Words
read for 15 minutes 
Reading page
Phonics page 
study facts

Reading: practice Magic Words
read for 15 minutes 
Reading page 181
Phonics page 219
Math: workbook page 58
study facts
Religion: study for test

Reading: practice Magic Words
read for 15 minutes
Reading page 182
Phonics page 221
Math: workbook page 59
study facts
Religion: study for test

Reading: practice Magic Words
read for 15 minutes
Reading page 183
Phonics page 223
Math: workbook page 60
study facts
Religion: study for test

A Peek at Our Week!

We will continue with Chapter 8 "Jesus Had Many Followers" and have a test on Friday.

Story: "Seasons"
Target Skill: Cause and effect
Phonics Skill: Long E, digraph -sh, -wh, -ph and contractions 's and n't
Grammar: Subjects and verbs
Magic Words: down, fall, goes, green, grow, new, open, yellow, many, pull, down, want
Spelling Words: ship, shop, which, when, whip, fish, want, like, this, look

We will start our unit on place value this week. We will learn about the tens and ones place and practice identifying tens and ones in numbers.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Week of 1/11

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a nice weekend! The next few weeks are going to be busy so please pay attention to the reminders! It will be February before we know it! Here are the reminders for this week:

- Our Reading workbooks are finally here! That means no more reading packets! Thank you for your patience in waiting for these to come in.

- Our class will be collecting pasta sauce and boxes of penne pasta for Mercy Hospice until January 18th. If you can, please send one in.

- We will also be collecting deoderant for the school's Day of Service that will take place on MLK Day (1/18). Please send this in by January 15th if you can.

- We will have a math test on subtraction, fact families and finding missing addends on Thursday. A review sheet will be sent home for homework on Wednesday.

- There will be reading and spelling tests on Friday.

- There will be a Dress Down day on Wednesday for the Make A Wish Foundation. Please remember to send in $1. Lots of students have been remembering to dress down and forgetting their dollar :)

- There is no school on Monday, January 18th due to MLK Day. If you are interested there will be a day of service held in cafeteria from 10:00am-12:00pm. All are welcome!

- Please ask your children how their school supplies are. Many are missing markers or have lots of broken crayons and dried out glue sticks. Also, please make sure they have sharpened pencils each day for class.

That is enough for now! Have a great week!

Miss Tosti

Reading: practice Magic Words
read for 15 minutes 
Reading page 166
Phonics page 152
Math: workbook page 44 (we found it helpful to use a number line in class today. Start at the smaller number and see how many "hops" it takes to get to the sum.
study facts

Reading: practice Magic Words
read for 15 minutes 
Reading page 167
Phonics page 153
Math: complete worksheet
study facts

Reading: practice Magic Words
read for 15 minutes
Reading page 168
Phonics page 154
Math: complete test review
study facts

Reading: practice Magic Words
read for 15 minutes
review for spelling and reading test tomorrow
study facts

A Peek at Our Week!

We will continue with Chapter 8 "Jesus Had Many Followers."

Story: "How Leopard Got His Spots"
Target Skill: Sequence of Events
Phonics Skill: Long A, digraph -ch, -tch
Grammar: Statements and Commands
Magic Words: hold, been, brown, know, never, off, out, own, very, good, full, friend
Spelling Words: chin, chop, much, chip, rich, chick, some, into, stop, black
*Test on story and spelling on Friday*

We will finish our unit on subtraction this week. We will practice finding missing addends using a number line (starting at the smaller number and counting how many "hops" it takes to reach the sum).  We will have a test on subtraction, missing addends and fact families on Thursday.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Week of 1/4

Dear Parents,

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that your new year is off to a great start. I also want to thank each and every one of you for your kindness and generosity to all of the teachers here at SKS. We are truly a lucky faculty.

This week will will get right back into the swing of things and work on getting back into our routine. Hopefully it will be a smooth transition back! Here area your reminders:

- First grade will be going to 8:00 Mass tomorrow. If you would like your child to attend please have them dropped off at school by 7:45. We will head over shortly after.

- First grade is collecting pasta sauce and penne pasta for Mercy Hospice for the month of January. If you can spare a jar of sauce or a box of pasta please send it in by January 18th. Thanks for your help :)

- I need Mystery Readers for all the Thursdays in January (7th, 14th, 21st, 28th). If you have not read and would like to please email me and let me know!

- Be sure to check out some pictures from our Polar Express Day! We had an awesome day!

Have a great week!

Miss Tosti

Reading: practice Magic Words
read for 15 minutes 
page 1 of packet
Math: workbook page 43
study facts

Reading: practice Magic Words
read for 15 minutes 
page 2 of packet
Phonics page 147
Math: complete worksheet
study facts

Reading: practice Magic Words
read for 15 minutes
page 3 of packet
Phonics page 148
Math: complete worksheet
study facts

Reading: practice Magic Words
read for 15 minutes
Phonics page 149
Math: complete worksheet
study facts

A Peek at Our Week!

We will being Unit 2 in Religion this week with Chapter 8 "Jesus Had Many Followers."

Story: "How Leopard Got His Spots"
Target Skill: Sequence of Events
Phonics Skill: Long A, digraph -ch, -tch
Grammar: Statements and Commands
Magic Words: hold, been, brown, know, never, off, out, own, very, good, full, friend
Spelling Words: chin, chop, much, chip, rich, chick, some, into, stop, black
*Test in story and spelling on Friday*

We will continue our unit on subtraction this week. We will review subtraction on a number line and begin to see how addition and subtraction are related by working with fact families.