Monday, June 8, 2015

Week of June 8th

Dear Parent/s,

We made it! I cannot believe this is the last blog of the year. Before I get to the reminders I wanted to thank each of you for all of your help and support this year. I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to work at such a great school. Every class I teach is special but this one will hold a special place in my heart because they were my first class at SKS. We had a great year and I am so proud of all they have accomplished and I will certainly miss them over the summer and next September. I was looking back at pictures from the first week of school and they all look so young! They have come such long way and have grown in many ways throughout the year and I know they are ready for second grade! Lastly, I wish you all a happy, safe and relaxing summer! Thank you again for all that you do :)

Here are the reminders for the LAST WEEK:

- Monday is Spirit Day

- Tuesday and Wednesday we will be doing a lot of cleaning! The kids will also be bringing home a few of their workbooks that we did not finish this year. They will be great to use throughout the summer so they do not forget too much! A few pages in phonics and math a week should be just fine :)

- No school for students on Thursday.

- Our Closing Mass on Friday will take place at 9:00am with the Award Ceremony following. Dismissal will take place after church.

That's a wrap! Have a wonderful summer!

Miss Tosti

Monday, June 1, 2015

Week of June 1st

Dear Parent/s,

Only two weeks left! I cannot believe it! This week we have Donuts with Dudes and take our Final Exams.  Here are your reminders:

- Tuesday will be Donuts with Dudes. Please meet us on the playground at 8:30 with a picnic blanket.

- Our class will also have a dress down day on Tuesday for winning the soda can tab contest for the Ronald McDonald House.

- Wednesday we will start our exams. The schedule will be as follows:
Wednesday - Math
Thursday - Reading and Long Vowel
Friday - Religion

- Please use the study guides that were sent home to review. If you have any questions please let me know.

- There is no lunch this week! Pretzels and water will still be sold.

- Half days start Wednesday for the rest of the year :)

- The only homework this week is to study for exams.

That is it! Have a great week :)

Miss Tosti