Monday, February 27, 2017

Week of 2/27

Thank you, Mrs. Sincavage, for reading and celebrating Lauren's half birthday with us!

Dear Parents,

I hope you had a nice weekend. This week we will continue with Terra Nova prep and we will also celebrate Ash Wednesday and discuss the season of Lent. Here are your reminders:

- The kids will bring home a new reading workbook tonight that goes with the stories for the second half of the year.

- Tuesday night at 7:00 pm there will be a Home and School Meeting. I hope to see you there!

- Test folders will be sent home tomorrow. Please sign and return on Wednesday. Thanks!

- Wednesday we will celebrate Ash Wednesday with Mass at 9:00 am. All are welcome!

- There will be a Dress Down Day on Friday. All students are asked to bring in one canned good instead of $1.00. Thanks!

- There will be a Religion test on Chapter 11 on Friday.  A study guide will be sent home.

- If you would like to be a Mystery Reader on a Thursday in March (2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd) please let me know.

Have a great week!

Miss Tosti


Reading:page 2
practice Magic Words
Math: page 49

Reading: write spelling words 2x each in W copybook
practice Magic Words
Math: page 50
Religion: study for test

Reading: page 4
practice Magic Words
Math: page 51
Religion: study for test

Reading: page 7
practice Magic Words
Math: FIM for 15 minutes
Religion: study for test tomorrow

A Peek at Our Week!

We will finish Chapter 11 "The Holy Spirit Helps the Church Grow" and have a test on Friday.

Story: ""Let's Go to the Moon"
Target Skill: Main Idea and Details
Phonics Skill: Long U and review Long O
Grammar: questions
Magic Words: around, should, before, bring, carry, light, show, think, people, beautiful, wear, tools
Spelling Words: hole, stove, bone, so, go, flew, grew, blue, super, soon, think, before

We will continue working with graphing this week. We will also begin our unit on time. We will learn the hands on the clock and practice how to read time to the hour. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Week of 2/20

Thanks for reading to us last week, Mrs. Hayes!

Dear Parents,

I hope you enjoyed the long weekend and warm weather! We will start doing some review for the Terra Nova test that will be taken in late March. Here are your reminders:

- On Wednesday, the 8th grade is hosting their Business Day. We will be visiting tomorrow afternoon. The price range of the businesses is $.50-$3.00. If you would like to send in money for your child please do so in a labeled envelope. There will be no food or drink sold.

- Yearbook pictures will be taken on Thursday. Please do not dress down! Thanks :)

- We will have a reading and spelling test on Friday this week. Please make sure you are reviewing each night.

Have a great week!

Miss Tosti


Reading: write spelling words 2x each in W copybook
practice Magic Words
Math: page 77

Reading: page 212
practice Magic Words
Math: page 78

Reading: study for reading and spelling tests
practice Magic Words
Math: FIM for 15 minutes

A Peek at Our Week!

We will begin Chapter 11 "The Holy Spirit Helps the Church Grow".

Story: "Animal Groups"
Target Skill: Compare and Contrast
Phonics Skill: Long U and review Long O digraphs kn, wr, gn, mb
Grammar: the verb be
Magic Words: bird, both, eyes, fly, long, or, those, walk, they, sing, does, all
Spelling Words: time, bike, like, white, kite, drive, glue, cube, fruit, they, sing, all

We will work on double digit addition and subtraction with no regrouping this week. We will also start working with graphs and we will keep reviewing counting by 2s, 5s and 10s

Monday, February 13, 2017

Week of 2/13

Dear Parents,

Our 100th day celebration was a great success! The kids looked fantastic and everyone had a good laugh looking at their costumes. Thanks for your help with it and for sending in the 100 pennies :). You can check out a few pictures below. Here are the reminders for this week:

- Reading and spelling test will be taken on Tuesday (rescheduled from last week).

- Our Valentine's Day party will be on Tuesday. Please send valentines in a labeled bag by tomorrow. Please no candy treats this year. Thank you to those who donated items for our party!

- On Wednesday, we will be hearing from the Radnor Police about internet safety.

- On Thursday, we will take the Chapter 10 Religion test. A study guide will be sent home.

- No school on Friday or Monday! Enjoy the long weekend!


Miss Tosti


Reading: read and review story for test tomorrow
study for spelling test
Math: page 72
Religion: study for test 

Reading: page 211
practice Magic Words
Math: page 73
Religion: study for test 

Reading: page 210
practice Magic Words
Math: page 74
Religion: study for test tomorrow 

A Peek at Our Week!

We will finish up Chapter 10 "Jesus Sends the Holy Spirit." There will be a test on Thursday.

Story: "Animal Groups"
Target Skill: Compare and Contrast
Phonics Skill: Long U and review Long O digraphs kn, wr, gn, mb
Grammar: the verb be
Magic Words: bird, both, eyes, fly, long, or, those, walk, they, sing, does, all
Spelling Words: time, bike, like, white, kite, drive, glue, cube, fruit, they, sing, all

We will work on double digit addition and subtraction with no regrouping this week. We will also start working with graphs and we will keep reviewing counting by 2s, 5s and 10s.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Week of 2/6

Mrs. Van der Waag and special guests, Owen and Will, were our Mystery Readers last week!

Dear Parents,

We had a great time celebrating Catholic Schools Week! Here are the reminders for this week:

- The Centennial Committee would like to celebrate the 100th day of the 100th year by having students and faculty members bring in 100 pennies. The students will get to roll their pennies in wrappers with their buddies on Friday. The money will be used to purchase a centennial gift for the school! Please send the pennies in a labeled ziplock bag by Friday. Thank you for your help with this!

- Friday is our 100th day of school this year! To celebrate, the first grade can dress up like they are 100 years-old! It should be a fun day! If you have any questions please let me know. Remember we have gym on Friday so students can wear sneakers or bring them to change into for class.

- There will be a math test on place value on Thursday.

- Reading and spelling tests will be taken on Friday.

- If you would like to be Mystery Reader this Thursday (2/9) or next Thursday (2/16) from 2:00-2:30 please email me and let know!

- We will be decorating bags in school this week for Valentine's Day. If you would like to send valentines in early please make sure you send them in a labeled bag. We will have a small party on Tuesday next week.

That's all for now!

Miss Tosti

Reading: page 201
Math: page 68

Reading: page 199
practice Magic Words
Math: page 71

Reading: page 204
practice Magic Words
Math: complete test review

Reading: review for reading and spelling tests tomorrow
practice Magic Words
Math: FIM 15 minutes

A Peek at Our Week!
We will continue with Chapter 10 - "Jesus Sends the Holy Spirit".

Story: "The Big Race"
Target Skill: Cause and effect
Phonics Skill: Long O and review Long A, soft c, g, dge
Grammar: Verbs and time
Magic Words: four, five, into, over, starts, three, two, watch, where, those, saw, round
Spelling Words: came, late, make, gave, brave, shape, over, those, row, saw, face, edge

We will finish our unit on place value this week. We will review the tens and ones place, practice identifying tens and ones in numbers and finding the value of digits. We will continue practicing mentally adding and taking away 10 and 1. We will also review counting by 2s, 5s and 10s.