Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Week of 5/31

Congrats to our third trimester Peacemaker, Evie!


Dear Parents,

I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful holiday weekend! Summer break is quickly approaching! We have a lot to do this week! Here are your reminders:

- Doughnuts with Dads will be next Tuesday at 8:30am on the playground. All dads should bring a picnic blanket/beach towel to sit on and meet us on the playground. An invite was sent home last week with all the information. 

- A letter with the exam schedule and study guides were sent home last week! These study guides can STAY HOME and are for you to complete and review with your child. We will be reviewing for exams in school this week as well.

- The only homework for this week will be to review for exams using the study guides that were sent home. If you have any questions about exams etc. please let me know!

- There will be a reading and spelling test on Whistle for Willie next Tuesday, June 7th. This will count as the final reading test/exam for this year!

- Just a reminder that half days start next Wednesday, June 8th! Please be sure your child knows how they are getting home each day and be sure to check if your child's bus is providing transportation on these days.

I think that is it! Have a great week!

Miss Tosti

We loved practicing the 'oo' sound with our l'oo'king glasses!

Final Exam Schedule:

Tuesday, June 7th - Reading and Spelling (Whistle for Willie)

Wednesday, June 8th - Religion

Thursday, June 9th - Math

Friday, June 10th - Phonics

A Peek at Our Week!

We will be reviewing for our exam next week.

Story: "Whistle for Willie"
Target Skill: Cause and Effect
Phonics Skill: 'oo' sound
Grammar: pronouns
Magic Words: again, along, began, boy, father, house, nothing, together
Spelling Words: look, book, good, hook, brook, took, shook, foot, wood, hood

We will be reviewing for our exam next week.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Week of 5/23

We had a beautiful May Procession!

Dear Parents,

This is our last week in May! It will be a short one but we still have a lot going on! Please be sure to read all of the reminders:

- This week we will start our last story of the year. We will have a spelling and reading test on this story next Friday and it will count as the reading exam. 

- A packet with the exam schedule and study guides was sent home today! These study guides can STAY HOME and are for you to complete and review with your child. We will be completing a set in school  and they will be sent home when they are completed.

- We will celebrate our Monthly Mass on Wednesday at 9:00am! All are welcome!

- No school Thursday, 5/26 through Monday, 5/30! 

- Doughnuts with Dads/Dudes is planned for Tuesday, June 7th at 8:30 am in the recess yard.  Each child gets to invite their dad (or a "dude" if their dad can't make it) for coffee and doughnuts and some quality time! Dads, grandparents, uncles, close friends are all considered dudes :). An invitation was sent home in your child's home folder today!

Important June dates:
June 7th - Doughnuts with Dudes
June 17th - Closing Mass by the first grade! This was rescheduled from May.


Reading: page 111
practice Magic Words
Math: page 164, 165

Reading: page 117
practice Magic Words
Math: page 166 and 167

A Peek at Our Week!

We will finish Chapter 18 and take the test together in school.

Story: "Whistle for Willie"
Target Skill: Cause and Effect
Phonics Skill: 'oo' sound
Grammar: pronouns
Magic Words: again, along, began, boy, father, house, nothing, together
Spelling Words: look, book, good, hook, brook, took, shook, foot, wood, hood

We will start our final unit on fractions and work on learning about equal parts, halves, quarters and thirds.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Week of 5/16

Dear Parents,

This is our last full week of full days before the end of the year! I can't believe it. We will continue to work hard and build independence as the year comes to a close. I know as the weather gets warmer and the end of the year gets closer it is easy to fall out of school routines, but I ask that you continue to keep those important routines going at home so we can finish the end of the year strong!

Here are the reminders for this week:

- Tuesday night we will have our May Procession. Students are to wear their winter uniforms. The kids need to be in our classroom no later than 6:40 pm and can be picked up by the front doors of the school after the May Procession. In the event of rain, we will meet and be dismissed from the Church. Please let me know if you have any questions.

- Our field trip to Devon Lanes is on Thursday! Kids can wear their gym uniforms to school. Please make sure they pack a snack or bring pretzel money for a morning snack. We will return to school for lunch and pizza will be provided! 

- There will be a math test on shapes and symmetry on Friday. A review will be sent home for homework.

Important May/June dates:
May 17th - May Procession
May 19th - 1st and 8th grade field trip to Devon Lanes 
May 25th - School Mass
May 26th-30th - Ascension Thursday and Memorial Day Weekend break!
June 7th - Doughnuts with Dudes
June 17th - Closing Mass by the first grade! This was rescheduled from May.

Have a wonderful week!

Miss Tosti


Reading: page 95
practice Magic Words
Math: page 93

Tuesday- No Homework - May Procession
Reading: pages  
practice Magic Words
Math: page 

Reading: page 99, 103
practice Magic Words
Math: complete test review

Reading: page 102
practice Magic Words

A Peek at Our Week!

We will start Chapter 18 "We Are All Followers of Jesus"

Story: "Amazing Animals"
Target Skill: Drawing Conclusions
Phonics Skill: R controlled vowels: er, ir, ur
Grammar: pronouns
Magic Words: follow, years, learning, begins, young, until, baby, eight
Spelling Words: her, fern, girl, sir, stir, third, bird, hurt, turn, fur

We will finish our unit of shapes and symmetry and have a test on Friday.

Monday, May 9, 2022

Week of 5/9

Dear Parents,

I hope you had a great Mother's Day and weekend! The kids loved making their gifts for you! Thank you so much for making last week so special for all the teachers! I loved my gifts and truly appreciate your generosity and kindness. There is no better community than SKS!

Last week we finished our third reading unit. This week we will start our fourth reader, but will be doing things a little differently to end out the year. For this last reader, we will do one story a week. Sight words and spelling words will still be given and should be studied, but they will not be "formally" tested. We will continue to take the reading tests as practice but they will not count as a grade. We decided to do this to keep the kids engaged with new stories and words each week! 

Here are the other reminders for the week:

- Test folders will be sent home on Tuesday. Please sign and return on Wednesday.

- There will be a Religion test on Chapter 17 on Thursday. A study guide will be sent home today.

- Be on the look out for an email about the May Procession next week! The students usually wear their winter uniform unless the weather looks too hot. It might be a good idea to pull one out or visit the uniform closet at school.

- If you haven't filled out the permission form or paid for our bowling field trip next week please do so by Friday. You can do both at this link: https://stkatharineofsiena.factsmgtadmin.com/form/Tmtnk9KsB?i=&authToken=__token__

- The chaperones for the trip will be: Mr. Cunningham, Mr. Schuh, Mrs. DeLisi, Mrs. McGurkin and Mrs. Rogers! Thanks so much for volunteering!

- I will be taking a personal day for a wedding on Friday. Ms. Tricia Boyes will be in for me! If your child is going home a different way please send in a note for Tricia or call/email Mrs. Condello with the change.

Important May/June dates:
May 14th - Father Daughter Dance
May 17th - May Procession
May 19th - 1st and 8th grade field trip to Devon Lanes 
May 25th - School Mass
May 26th-30th - Ascension Thursday and Memorial Day Weekend break!
June 7th - Doughnuts with Dudes
June 17th - Closing Mass by the first grade! This was rescheduled from May.

Have a wonderful week!

Miss Tosti


Reading: page 80
practice Magic Words
Math: complete worksheet
Religion: study for test

Reading: pages  88
practice Magic Words
Math: page 90
Religion: study for test

Reading: page 81
practice Magic Words
Math: complete worksheet
Religion: study for test

Reading: page 87
Math: page 92

A Peek at Our Week!

We will start Chapter 17 on Baptism and have a test on Thursday.

Story: "The Garden"
Target Skill: Story Structure
Phonics Skill: -ar controlled vowel, review -or
Grammar: pronouns
Magic Words: few, night, loudly, window, story, shall, world , noise
Spelling Words: far, arm, yard, art, jar, bar, barn, bark car, yarn

We will continue learning about 2D shapes and start learning about 3D shapes.

Monday, May 2, 2022

Week of 5/2

We had so much fun at 8th Grade Business Day!

Dear Parents,

Happy May! We will continue to work hard during these last few full weeks of school! Please mark your calendars with the important dates listed below! Here are the rest of your reminders for the week:

- The 4th grade is selling lemonade tomorrow at lunch to benefit Alex's Lemonade. There is no set price they just ask that you make any donation!

- There will be a math test on measurement tomorrow. A review will be sent home for homework tonight! The kids have been doing great with this!

- There will be a reading and spelling test on Friday!

- Our bowling field trip with our 8th grade buddies at Devon Lanes is on Thursday, May 19th!  Please fill out the online permission form and pay through this link: https://stkatharineofsiena.factsmgtadmin.com/form/Tmtnk9KsB?i=&authToken=__token__
A pizza lunch will be provided that day so no need to order or pack one! We will need 5 chaperones for this trip. If you would like to come please email me and I will pick out of a hat next week! Thank you!

Important May/June dates:
May 14th - Father Daughter Dance
May 17th - May Procession
May 19th - 1st and 8th grade field trip to Devon Lanes (more info to follow)
May 25th - School Mass
May 26th-30th - Ascension Thursday and Memorial Day Weekend break!Have a wonderful week!
June 7th - Doughnuts with Dudes
June 17th - Closing Mass by the first grade! This was rescheduled from May.

Have a great week!

Miss Tosti

We loved using our rulers to measure inches and centimeters!


Reading: page 71
practice Magic Words
Math: complete test review

Phonics: pages  255-256
practice Magic Words
Math: complete worksheet

Reading: page 73
practice Magic Words
Math: complete worksheet

Reading: study for tests tomorrow
practice Magic Words
Math: page 89

We will start up Chapter 17 and learn about the sacrament of Baptism!


Story: "Little Rabbit's Tale"
Target Skill: Cause and Effect
Phonics Skill: Short e (ea) and compound words
Grammar: prepositions
Sight Words: door, old, want, more, try, wash, mother, use, everyone, such, while, treats
Spelling Words: bedtime, backpack, sunset, playpen, bathtub, raincoat, sailboat, inside, flagpole, himself

We will finish up our measurement unit and have a test on Tuesday! Then we will begin out unit of Geometry and Shapes!