Monday, September 30, 2019

Week of 9/30

Dear Parents,

Happy (almost) October! It was wonderful seeing so many of you Friday night at the Fall Social! Thank you for being so kind, generous and supportive. It means a great deal to all of the faculty and staff at SKS. This will certainly be a busy a month so please be sure to read all of the reminders in the coming weeks. Here are some for this week:

- The first Home and School Meeting is Tuesday night at 7:00 pm in the cafeteria. Hope to see you all there!

- There is no school on Wednesday! The teachers will be at a conference.

- If you are available to Mystery Read this month on Tuesday, October 8th, 15th, 22nd or 29th please email me and let me know!

- There will be a math test on ordinal numbers, ordering numbers and comparing numbers on Thursday.

- There will be a reading and spelling test on Friday.

- If you would like to be a chaperone on our field trip to Highland Orchards on Monday, October 28th please email me or send me a note. I will draw names out of a hat next week to choose. You must have all of your clearances.

- Lastly, I will not be school next week. My younger brother is getting married in Florida! Mrs. Tricia Boyes will be in all week and she is THE best. I will pass along her email and phone number in next week's blog in case you need to get in touch with her about any dismissal changes or have any questions. I will be checking my email as well, so please don't hesitate to contact me if you need anything.

That is all for now! Have a great week :)

Miss Tosti

This week in math we learned about comparing numbers using the <, > and = signs. We met Mr. Alligator, who is ALWAYS hungry and wants to eat the bigger number :)


Reading: page 95
practice Magic Words
Math: page 11

Tuesday - H&S Meeting
Reading: study for test on Friday
Math: complete math review for test on Thursday

Wednesday - No School
Math - study for test tomorrow

Reading: read story and review for test tomorrow
study spelling words for test tomorrow
practice Magic Words 

A Peek at Our Week!

Religion: Chapter 2 - "We Believe in the Blessed Trinity"
We will continue with Chapter 2 this week. In this chapter we will learn all about the Blessed Trinity and prayer.

Story: "How Animals Communicate"
Target Skill: Main Idea and Details
Phonics Skill: Short I sound and R blends
Grammar: Nouns
Magic Words: animal, how, make, of, some, why, help, for, have, you
Spelling Words: in, will, did, sit, six, big, wig, win, trip, brick
* Reading and Spelling test on Friday*

This week we will finish up with first unit learning how to compare numbers using the <, >, = signs. We will also practice with ordinal numbers. A test will be given on Thursday. Students will be asked to order numbers, write numbers that come before, after and between, and also compare numbers using the correct signs.
*Test Thursday*

Monday, September 23, 2019

Week of 9/23

Dear Parents,

Can you believe this is our last week in September?! The kids did a great job taking their first tests last Friday. Before we took the tests I told them that the important thing is not that you get a 100 on every test. I explained to them that as along as they studied and tried their best that I will be proud of them no matter what they score!

We also started setting up our reading and math centers last week and will continue to practice them this week. Centers are a great way to reinforce skills, promote cooperative learning and are fun for the kids! Most importantly, they allow me to work with small groups. Check out some pictures below of the kids working in their center groups!

Here are your reminders for the week:

- The Star Student schedule for the year was sent home today. I will send home the a folder with directions the week prior to your child's week. Please let me know if you have any questions.

- We will have a Religion test on Chapter 1 on Wednesday.  A study guide will be sent home tonight for you to review with your child.

- Test folders will be sent home on Tuesday. Please sign each test and return on Wednesday.

- Your child's Think Central username and password will be sent home today as well. This provides access to our reader online as well as some other activities.

- Our field trip to Highland Orchards has been booked for Monday, October 28th! Permission forms will be sent home in the coming weeks! I will need 5 chaperones. If you are interested please send me an email and make sure you have all of your clearances.

Have a great week!

Miss Tosti

"Show Me the Number!" In this center, the kids picked cards and counted the number of dots. They then had to show that number using tally marks, digits, pictures and word form!

"Roll, Read, Write"
In this center, the kids rolled a dice, read the spelling word that went with the number and then wrote the word.

"120 Puzzles"
In this center the kids worked together to put 120s puzzles back together.


Reading: page 90
practice Magic Words
Math: page 9

Reading: page 91
practice Magic Words
Math: complete worksheet 

Reading: page 92
practice Magic Words
Math: complete worksheet 

Reading: page 89
practice Magic Words 
Math: page 10

A Peek at Our Week!

Religion: Chapter 2 - "We Believe in the Blessed Trinity"
We will have our test on Chapter 1 and begin Chapter 2. In this chapter we will learn all about the Blessed Trinity and prayer.

Story: "How Animals Communicate"
Target Skill: Main Idea and Details
Phonics Skill: Short I sound and R blends
Grammar: Nouns
Magic Words: animal, how, make, of, some, why, help, for, have, you
Spelling Words: in, will, did, sit, six, big, wig, win, trip, brick

This week we will work on one more, one less, ordering numbers from least to greatest and greatest to least, and start comparing numbers using the <, > and = signs.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Week of 9/16

Our first Social Studies Class!

This year the first grade teachers decided to co-teach Social Studies to the entire first grade! It is a great way for the entire first grade to get to know the other teachers as well as their classmates! Last week was our first lesson on rules and laws and it went great!

Dear Parents,

We survived our first full week of first grade! I hope the kids enjoyed it and are settling into school and our routines. We are a work in progress but we had a great week! I hope that you are continuing to set routines at home and are giving your child more responsibility. The more we work on this the more independent they will become!

Be sure to check out the pictures from our "Book Club" that we had on Friday when we met our 8th grade buddies. The kids discussed their summer reading books and made a craft to go with it! It was a great time!

Here are your reminders for the week:

- Please have journals decorated and covered by this Friday.

- We will have our first school Mass on Wednesday at 9:00am. Please join us!

- We will have our first reading test on the story "Jack and the Wolf" this Friday. I will read all of the questions and answers for the first few tests. The reader will be sent home this week so you can read and review the story at home.

- Our first Spelling test will also be on Friday. We have been practicing a lot with short A words in school. Please review the words at home each night as well.

- Magic Words will also be tested on Friday so please make sure you are reviewing them each night.

I think that is it for this week! Please email me if you have any questions!

Miss Tosti


Religion: practice praying the Hail Mary
Reading: page 83
practice Magic Words
Math: complete worksheet

Religion: practice praying the Hail Mary
Reading: page 86
practice Magic Words
Math: page 6

Religion: practice praying the Hail Mary
Reading: page 84
practice Magic Words
study spelling words
Math: page 7

Religion: practice praying the Hail Mary
Reading: read over story for test tomorrow
study spelling words
practice Magic Words 
Math: page 5

A Peek at Our Week!

Religion: Chapter 1- "Jesus Teaches Us About God's Love"
We will be learning about the story of creation and how we were all made in the image and likeness of God. We will also learn about how God made each of us different! We will talk about how we are called to know, love and serve God.

Story: "Jack and the Wolf"
Target Skill: Characters
Phonics Skill: Short A sound and -ck words
Grammar: Complete sentences
Magic Words:  play, every, be, come, and, call, hear, with, said, away
SpellingWords:  an, bad, can, had, cat, ran, am, at, man, dad
* Reading and Spelling tests on Friday.

This week we will still focus on writing numbers and number words and we will also practice representing numbers in different ways with ten frames, pictures and tally marks. We will also being ordering numbers and talking about "one more" and "one less."

We LOVED meeting our 8th Grade Buddies!

Monday, September 9, 2019

Week of 9/9

Dear Parents,

Welcome to our Classroom Blog! We are so excited to start our first full week of first grade and it was great seeing you all last week at Back to School Night! We have a lot of fun things planned so keep checking our classroom blog for updates and pictures of what is going on in Room 19!
Here are a few reminders for this week:

- These first few weeks of school are very important for setting expectations and learning our classroom routines and procedures. Students thrive in environments where they feel comfortable and know what is expected of them. I urge you to also have expectations and routines at home for things like completing homework, studying and reading. For example, each day after school your child can eat a snack, take out their homework copybook and begin their homework. You can even have a set place for them to complete their work. Simple things like this will help your child to become responsible, organized and independent!

- Please be sure to check your child's "Home Folder" every night. You can empty out any papers that were completed in school. These will be in the "Home" side of the folder. If anything needs to be signed or turned in, please place it in the "To School" side. I ask that your child's clip chart calendar be initialed each night. Please make sure that the calendar, homework (if a worksheet) and Magic Words envelope stay in the "To School" and be returned each day.

- We will have homework this week so start your homework routine today/tonight!

- Journals need to be decorated and covered by Friday, September 20th.

- I need Mystery Readers for the following Tuesdays from 2:00-2:30 in September: 9/10, 9/17, and 9/24. Please email me if you are available and have your clearances :)

- The Student Council will be selling Kona Shaved Ice on Thursday. The cost in $5.00 and part of the proceeds will go to the charity For Pete's Sake.

- On Friday, we will be having our One Book, One School Book Club. We will be talking about "Boys/Girls Who Rocked the World" and making a craft with our 8th Grade Buddies! If you would like to send your child in with their book that would be great! Thank you!

- Friday will be a Dress Down Day. Please send in $1.00 with your child. Please also review the dress down day policy in the school handbook.

- Please email me with any questions or concerns :)

Miss Tosti

Reading: page 75
practice Magic Words
Math: page 1

Reading: page 76
practice Magic Words
Math: page 2

Reading: page 77
practice Magic Words
Math: page 3

Reading: page 78 
practice Magic Words
Math: page 4

A Peek at Our Week!

Religion: Chapter 1 - "God is Our Father
We will be learning about the story of creation and how we were all made in the image and likeness of God. We will also learn about how God made each of us unique!

Story: "Jack and the Wolf"
Target Skill: Characters
Phonics Skill: Short A sound and -ck words
Grammar: Complete sentences
Magic Words:  play, every, be, come, and, call, hear, with, said, away
SpellingWords:  an, bad, can, had, cat, ran, am, at, man, dad

This week we will focus on writing numbers and number words. We will also work on putting numbers in order and filling in missing numbers on a hundreds chart.