Monday, December 13, 2021

Week of 12/13

Dear Parents,

I hope you enjoyed the Christmas Concert last week! The kids looked and sounded wonderful. We hope it put you in the Christmas spirit! We have a busy full week so please read all the reminders! Here they are:

- We will start a new story this week and the long vowel e. 

- We will have math test on Wednesday on place value. A review will be sent home for homework.

- Report cards will be sent home tomorrow. Please remember that these grades are a reflection of your child's work in school along with their test scores. You may keep the actual report card at home. Please just sign and return the envelope. If you have any questions please let me know!

- On Thursday morning we will go to Santa's Secret Shop! Please mark the envelope with who your child is shopping for and how much to spend on each person. It is really helpful to me and the volunteers! You can send your envelope in anytime before Thursday! Thanks!

- Friday will be a Dress Down Day. Please send in $1.00 to dress down. Thank you!

- We are still collecting socks for the homeless if you would like to donate some this week! 

Have a great week!
Miss Tosti 


Reading: RN page 166
Math: workbook page 64

Reading: RN page 168
Math: complete test review

Reading: RN page 167
Math: no homework

Reading: RN page174
Math: complete worksheet

A Peek At Our Week


We will continue talking about the season of Advent and Christmas. We will also start Chapter 6 "

Story: "How Leopard Got His Spots"
Target Skill: Sequence of Events
Phonics Skill: Long E, digraph -ch, -tch
Grammar: Statements and Commands
Magic Words: hold, been, brown, know, never, off, out, own, very, good, full, friend
Spelling Words: chin, chop, much, rich, cheer, three, beach, teach

We will continue have a test on place value on matching place value blocks to the number they represent, identifying digits in the tens and ones place, and finding the value of digits.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Week of 12/6

Dear Parents,

I hope you all had a nice weekend! I thought virtual school went pretty smoothly last week. Thanks again for your help and patience with it! We have another busy week here with the Christmas Concert and no school on Wednesday!  Here are your reminders for the week:

- Test folders will be sent home tomorrow. Please sign and return on Thursday.

- No school on Wednesday due to the Holy Day!

- Thursday will be the K-4 Christmas Concert! The kids should wear their Sunday/Christmas best to school on Thursday morning. Please no jeans. There will be two shows, one for parents of K-2 and another for 3-4. If you have a child in both of those grades please choose which show you would like to attend.

          - Performance 1 - 9:15-10:00 am

          - Performance 2 - 10:45-11:30 am

- The 7th grade will be doing a sock drive for the homeless. If you would like to donate socks please send them in this and next week. Thanks for you help!

- There will be a spelling and reading test on Friday. The spelling words are more difficult with the long vowel patterns so please be sure to study! 

- We have our Monthly Mass on Friday at 9:00! All are welcome!

- Report cards will be given out next week.

Have a great week!

Miss Tosti


Reading: RN page 159
Math: workbook page 59-60

Reading: RN page 154
Math: wb page 61 and 63

Wednesday - NO SCHOOL

Reading: study for tests tomorrow
Math: wb page 66

A Peek at Our Week!

We will continue to talk about the Advent season and the meaning of Christmas! We will finish up Chapter 5 and take the test together in school.

Story: "At Home in the Ocean"
Target Skill: Fact and Opinion
Phonics Skill: Long A, (a_e and ay, introduce -ai) digraph th
Grammar: Proper Nouns
Sight Words: blue, cold, far, little, live, their, water, where
Spelling Words: that, then, with, cape, name, make, say, pray

We will continue our unit of Place Value. We will focus on identifying the value of digits, writing expanded form and building numbers with place value blocks.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Week of 11/22

Dear Parents,

There are only 16 school days until Christmas break! I cannot believe how fast this year is flying by. This week we will start our new reading unit, learn the long a sound and do Thanksgiving themed activities. We will also have our class party on Tuesday! Thanks to everyone who donated treats and activities! 

I hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving! Please know that the entire SKS faculty and staff are so grateful and thankful for your support!

A few reminders:

- No school on Monday, November 29th!

- No homework this week!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Miss Tosti

We bundled up for the JDRF Walk with the Principal last Friday! Thanks for all of your donations!

A Peek at Our Week!

We will continue Chapter 5 this week.

Story: "At Home in the Ocean"
Target SkillT: Fact and Opinion
Phonics Skill: Long A, (a_e and ay) digraph th
Grammar: Proper Nouns
Sight Words: blue, cold, far, little, live, their, water, where, here, my, who, me
Spelling Words: that, then, with, cape, name, make, say, pray

We will begin our unit of Place Value. We will focus on learning tens and ones and where they go in the place value "house". We will also practice making tens, teen numbers and numbers up to 40.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Week of 11/15

Congrats to our first Peacemaker of the year, Mikaela Sullivan!

Dear Parents,

We had another great week last week and will keep going strong into the holiday season. Please be sure to have Monday, November 29th marked as a day off on your calendar! This week we will have our last reading and spelling test for our first unit and also will have a math test on fact families. Here are the rest of the reminders for the week:

- We will having a canned food drive all week! Please send in all donations by Friday! Thanks!

- Test folders will be sent home on Tuesday. Please sign and return on Wednesday.

- There will be a math test on fact families and mixed addition and subtraction on Thursday. We will be reviewing all week.

- There will be a reading and spelling test on Friday this week.

- Friday will be the rescheduled Walk with the Principal to support JDRF! Please send in $1.00 to dress down! We will be outside for quite a bit so please make sure your child is dressed warmly since it is supposed to be cold!

That is all for now! 
Miss Tosti


Reading: RN page 136
Math: complete worksheet

Reading: RN page 143
Math: wb page 46

Reading: RN page 145
Math: complete test review

Reading: study for tests tomorrow

A Peek at Our Week!

We will start Chapter 5 "Jesus Teaches Us About Love"

Story: "A Cupcake Party"
Target Skill: Story Structure (characters, setting, plot)
Phonics Skill: Short u sound and final blends -mp -nt, -nd, -st, -sk
Grammar: using a, an and the. Synonyms and antonyms
Sight Words: eat, give, one, put, small, take, sing, all does, they
Spelling Words: us, sun, bus, but, run, fun, dust, jump

This week we will finish up fact families and have a test on Thursday.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Week of 11/8


Dear Parents,

We had the best time on our field trip last week! Check out a few of the pictures :) Thanks to everyone for taking the time to meet with me for conferences. Communication between the teacher and parents is crucial to the success of your child and I appreciate you giving up your time.
The kids have already grown so much since September and it is exciting to see their reading skills develop and grow. We will start learning long vowel patterns after we finish this story and start our second reading unit! Here are your reminders for the week:

- Our Virtual Monthly Mass for November will be on Tuesday at 9:00 am. All are welcome! 

- Chapter 4 Religion test will be on Friday. A study guide was sent home today.

- Your child's login information to IXL will be sent home this week! We are waiting on 2 other apps that are funded through the state to come through and will send those logins home as soon as we get them!

- We will celebrate our November birthdays on Thursday! Happy birthday to Maeve, Finn, Adam and Paloma!

Have a great week!

Miss Tosti


Religion: study for test
Reading: RN page 135
Math: wb page 40

Religion: study for test
Reading: RN page 137
Math: wb page 41

Religion: study for test
Reading: RN page 134
Math: wb page 43

Religion: study for test
Reading: RN page 140
Math: wb page 42

A Peek at Our Week!

We will finish Chapter 4 and have a test on Friday.

Story: "A Cupcake Party"
Target Skill: Story Structure (characters, setting, plot)
Phonics Skill: Short u sound and final blends -mp -nt, -nd, -st, -sk
Grammar: using a, an and the. Synonyms and antonyms
Sight Words: eat, give, one, put, small, take, sing, all does, they
Spelling Words: us, sun, bus, but, run, fun, dust, jump

This week we will learn about Fact Families and practice relating addition to subtraction! 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Week of 11/2

Dear Parents,

I hope you had a great Halloween! We had a fun time celebrating on Friday and the costumes were great! We have a short and busy week with our field trip and conferences.  Since it is short week there will be no homework! Here are your reminders for the week:

- Tomorrow is our field trip to Highland Orchards! The kids can wear their gym uniforms to school and I would make sure they have a coat or vest because it will be a brisk day and we will be outside all morning! We will return and eat a late lunch at school! It should be a great trip!

- As the weather gets chillier please remember to send your child in with a coat, hat, gloves etc.  Don't forget to label everything too! Thanks for you help with this!

- We will finish up the story "Dr. Seuss" but there will be no reading or spelling test this week.

- There will be a math test on subtraction on Thursday. We will review in school today and tomorrow afternoon when we get back from our trip! The kids have been doing really well with it!

- No school on Friday due to Parent/Teacher Conferences. I look forward to meeting with you all! If you have signed up for a virtual conference I will send home a conference sheet in your child's home folder and a zoom link on Thursday! Please have it with you for the conference. 

Thursday: in person conference 4:15-6:30pm
                 virtual conference 6:30-8:00pm

Friday: in person conference 9:00am-12:00pm
             virtual conference: 12:00-3:00pm 

Have a great week!

Miss Tosti

A Peek at Our Week!

We will start Chapter 4 "Jesus Works Among the People"

Story: "Dr. Seuss"
Target Skill: Graphic Features and Biographies
Phonics Skill: Short e sound and -s blends
Grammar: Antonyms
Sight Words: after, draw, pictures, read, was, write, do, find, funny no
Spelling Words: yes, let, red, ten, bed, get, step, sled

We will have a test on subtraction this week on using a number line, word problems, and finding the missing part. We will do a review on Wednesday.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Week of 10/25

Dear Parents,

It was great to see you at the Saints Presentation on Friday and some of you at the Fall Social on Saturday! The kids did such a great job and I am so proud of them. We hope you enjoyed it! Check out the pictures of their fabulous costumes below! We will close out October this week with some Halloween fun on Friday!  Here are your reminders for the week:

- If you did not sign the permission form or pay for the field trip next week please do so by this Wednesday! Congrats to Mrs. Hepp, Mrs. Judge, and Mrs. Colfer who were picked to be our chaperones! Thanks to all of the volunteers!

- For the first 3 stories we kept the sight and spelling words to 6 each so that they kids could get used to studying them and to prepare for the test. Since they have been doing such a great job we will now do 10 sight words and 8 spelling words per story. 

- If you have an extra pair of headphones at home could you please send them in for your child sometime this or next week? They are very helpful when we use the chromebooks! They will be returned at the end of they year. Thanks!

- Test folders will be sent home tomorrow. Please return them on Wednesday!

- We will have a Religion test on Chapter 3 on Thursday. A study guide was sent home today.

- On Friday, we will celebrate Halloween! The kids can come dressed in their costumes over their gym uniform. Our parade will begin at 8:30 if you would like to come see us! 

- Just a reminder to mark your calendar for Conferences next Thursday night (11/4) and Friday (11/5). Please note conferences are optional and will be held in person and virtually.  Please make sure you schedule it in the correct time block:

Thursday: in person conference 4:15-6:30pm
                 virtual conference 6:30-8:00pm.

Friday: in person conference 9:00am-12:00pm.
             virtual conference: 12:00-3:00pm

- Just a reminder that there is no school on Monday, November 1st for the feast of All Saints Day!

That is all for now!

Miss Tosti


Religion: study for test
Reading: RN page 120
Math: wb page 38

Religion: study for test
Reading: RN page 122
Math: wb page 36

Religion: study for test
Reading: RN page 119
Math: wb page 37

Reading: RN page 128
Math: complete worksheet

A Peek at Our Week!

We will finish Chapter 3 and have a test on Thursday.

Story: "Dr. Seuss"
Target Skill: Graphic Features and Biographies
Phonics Skill: Short e sound and -s blends
Grammar: Antonyms
Sight Words: after, draw, pictures, read, was, write, do, find, funny no
Spelling Words: yes, let, red, ten, bed, get, step, sled

We will continue our unit on subtraction! This week we will focus on using a number line to count or hop back.

St. Frances Xavier Cabrini

St. Joan of Arc

St. Kateri

St. Patrick

St. Nicholas

St. Adam

St. Francis of Assisi

St. John the Baptist

St. Monica

St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena

St. Francis of Assisi

St. John the Apostle

St. Rose of Lima

St. Samantha

St. Rose of Lima

St. Philomena

St. Michael the Archangel

Friday, October 15, 2021

Week of 10/18

Dear Parents,

I hope you had a great weekend! We had some great practices last week for our Saints Presentation. We will have 2 more this week before our big event on Friday! Please continue to practice at home too! Some more information regarding Friday can be found below with your other reminders!

- The Virtual Scholastic Book Fair is this Week. You can shop for books from October 19 - November 2. A link will be sent out to you!

- The 7th grade will be selling popsicles for $1.00 at recess on Tuesday and Wednesday to raise money for Cases for Smiles. (Rain date will be on Thursday) Raffle tickets will also be sold for a chance to win variety of different prize baskets. Informations will be sent home Monday or Tuesday!

- Thursday will be a Dress Down Day. Please send in $1.00 to dress down.

- Reading and Spelling test on Friday on a Musical Day.

- If you have not done so, please use this link for our field trip permission slip and payment. Chaperones will be picked this week!

Saint Presentation reminders:

          - The presentation will be at 9:00am on Friday! Family members are welcome in church, but please make sure you are wearing your mask and socially distanced in the pews.  

          - The kids are to come to school dressed in their costumes over their gym uniforms (sneakers are fine).

          - Please make sure robes are not too long as we will be walking to and from the church. Also, bobby pins tend to not keep veils on so if you can attach them to a headband that would be great. 

          - The presentation will be live streamed on the Parish Youtube page.

That's all for now! Hope to see you Friday!

Miss Tosti

Reading: RN page 110
Math: wb page 31 and 32

Reading: RN page 116
Math: wb page 33

Reading: RN page 113
Math: wb page 34

Reading: study for test tomorrow
Math: wb page 35

A Peek at Our Week


We will continue Chapter 3 "Jesus Grew Up in a Family". We will learn about the birth of Jesus and the Holy Family. We will have our Saint Presentation on Friday!


"A Musical Day"
Target Skill: Sequence of events
Phonics Skill: Short o sound and -l blends
Grammar: Complete sentences and nouns
Sight Words: her, now, our, she, today, would
Spelling Words: on, pop, got, not, fox, hop


We will begin our unit on subtraction. We will learn about the minus sign, counting backwards and most importantly, that the bigger number always goes first in subtraction!

Monday, October 11, 2021

Week of 10/11

We practiced adding on a number line using our dice last week!

Dear Parents,

Hope you had a great weekend. We have a busy week and are cruising along through October. Please continue to review sight words, math facts and read at home! There are a lot of reminders this week, so please be sure to read them all!

- Winter uniforms start today!

- Please send an old t-shirt to be used as a smock for art class by Friday!

- Test folders will be sent home on Tuesday. Please sign and return them with the tests in the folder on Wednesday.

- School pictures will be on Thursday. Please send in your forms this week or complete them online. 

- We will have a math test on Friday finishing up our unit on addition. We will do a review in school on Thursday. 

- Mark your calendar for the our field trip to Highland Orchards on Wednesday, November 3rd! More information will be sent home soon.

- Our monthly virtual Mass will be on Friday at 9:00am. The first grade will be attending the mass in church this month. Please join us in church or virtually on the SKS Parish Youtube page!

- If you haven't signed up for SKS Trunk or Treat you can do so HERE

That is it for this week!

Miss Tosti


Reading: RN page 105
Math: workbook page 29

Reading: RN page 107
Math: workbook page 30

Reading: RN page 113
Math: wb page 27

Phonics: page 118
Math: wb page 28, review for test

A Peek at Our Week:

We will begin Chapter 3 "Jesus Grew Up in a Family". We will learn about the birth of Jesus and the Holy Family. We will start practicing for our Saint Presentation!

Story: "A Musical Day"
Target Skill: Sequence of events
Phonics Skill: Short o sound and -l blends
Grammar: Complete sentences and nouns
Sight Words: her, now, our, she, today, would
Spelling Words: on, pop, got, not, fox, hop

We will finish up our addition unit this week. We will focus on adding 3 addends and finding doubles and sums of ten to help up. We will also work with simple word problems. There will be a test on Friday on adding on a number line, adding 3 addends and word problems. We will do our Test Review in school on Thursday. You can use this to study at home that night.

Monday, October 4, 2021

Week of 10/4

Dear Parents,

Happy October! The kids are settling in and have been doing a great job. I cannot believe we are finished with September already. October will certainly fly by as well. Here are your reminders for this week:

- Information about the first grade Saints Presentation was sent home last week. Each child may choose any saint they want! The report will be due this Friday, so please work on it this week. Please make sure the report and the picture are done neatly. Don't forget to have your child practice reading their report because they will be sharing it with the class for a grade. The Saints Presentation will be on Friday, October 22nd at 9:00 am in the Church. Families are welcome to come to church, we just ask that you be socially distanced and wear a mask. The school will attend virtually.

- Friday will be a dress down day for JDRF. Please send in $1.00 to dress down. We will be walking with our buddies in the morning to raise awareness for Juvenile Diabetes.

- There will be a Religion test on Chapter 2 on Thursday.  A study guide will be sent home today.

- There will be a Spelling and Reading test on Friday for our story "How Animals Communicate." 

I think that is all for this week! Please let me know if you have questions about anything!

Miss Tosti


Religion: work on saint report and study
Reading: RN page 91
Math: workbook page 23

Religion: work on saint report and study
Reading: RN page 95
Math: complete worksheet

Religion: work on saint report and study
Reading: RN page 101
Math: wb page 25

Religion: work on saint report 
Reading: study for tests tomorrow
Math: wb page 26

A Peek at Our Week!

Religion: Chapter 2 - "We Believe in the Blessed Trinity"
We will finish up Chapter 2 and have a test on Thursday.

Story: "How Animals Communicate"
Target Skill: Main Idea and Details
Phonics Skill: Short I sound and R blends
Grammar: Nouns and commas in a series
Sight Words: animal, how, make, of, some, why
Spelling Words: in, will, did, sit, six, big

This week we will continue with addition and learn how to use a number line to solve problems and learn double facts. If you practice at home, please have your child start at the larger number!

Monday, September 27, 2021

Week of 9/27

 Dear Parents,

Can you believe this is our last week in September?! Thank you so much for you prayers, kind words, and patience last week and for the delicious food from Aneu. It was so generous and thoughtful of you! Mrs. Flanagan had a great week with the kids and they all did great on their tests and their sight words! We will start our second story this week and also have our first math test.

Here are your reminders for the week:

- Test folders will be sent home on Tuesday. Please sign each test and return on Wednesday.

- We started making our math flash cards last week. Please have your child review them along with their sight words and spelling words each night!

- We will have our first math test on Friday. We will be reviewing in school all week!

Have a great week!

Miss Tosti


Reading: RN page 90
Math: workbook page 19

Reading: RN page 92
Math: wb page 20

Reading: RN page 89
Math: wb page 21

Reading: RN page 93
Math: complete test review

A Peek at Our Week!

Religion: Chapter 2 - "We Believe in the Blessed Trinity"
 In this chapter we will learn all about the three persons that make up the Blessed Trinity and we will also learn about what prayer is.

Story: "How Animals Communicate"
Target Skill: Main Idea and Details
Phonics Skill: Short I sound and R blends
Grammar: Nouns
Sight Words: animal, how, make, of, some, why
Spelling Words: in, will, did, sit, six, big

This week we will continue with addition! We will review the parts of an addition sentence (addend + addend = sum) and work with memorizing the the math facts that equal 10! We will have a test on Friday.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Week of 9/20

Dear Parents,

We survived our first full week of first grade! I hope the kids enjoyed it and are settling into school and our routines. We are a work in progress but we had a great week! I hope that you are continuing to set routines at home and are giving your child more responsibility. The more we work on this the more independent they will become!

Here are your reminders for the week:

- If you could please send your child in with a few extra masks each week it would be really helpful or if you would like to send some in for the class that would be great too. We have been going through a lot already! Thanks for your help with this!

- We will have our first virtual school Mass on Wednesday at 9:00am. Feel free to join us at Mass or virtually on the parish youtube site.

- We will have our first Religion test on Wednesday. Normally a study guide will be sent home for your child to study, but this week we will take it together in school to get used to it! I did send one home today if you want to start practicing with your child!

- We will have our first reading test on the story "Jack and the Wolf" this Friday. I will read all of the questions and answers for the first few tests. The reader will be sent home this week so you can read and review the story at home.

- Our first Spelling test will also be on Friday. We have been practicing a lot with short A words in school. Please review the words at home each night as well.

- Sight Words will also be tested on Friday so please make sure you are reviewing them each night.

- Mystery Reader sign up dates can be found on the blog! Once every one signs up for one date I will let you know and you can sign up for a second if you want to! 

- The Star Student schedule was sent home last week. I will send a folder home with the directions the week before it is your child's turn.

I think that is it for this week! Please email me if you have any questions!

Miss Tosti


Religion: study for test
Reading: Reading Notebook page 77
Math: workbook page 9

Religion: study for test tomorrow
Reading: RN page 76
Math: wb page 15

Reading: RN page 80
Math: wb page 16

Reading: study for reading and spelling tests tomorrow
Math: wb page 17

A Peek at Our Week

Religion: Chapter 1- "Jesus Teaches Us About God's Love"
We will be learning about the story of creation and how we were all made in the image and likeness of God. We will also learn about how God made each of us different! We will talk about how we are called to know, love and serve God. We will take our first test together!

Story: "Jack and the Wolf"
Target Skill: Characters
Phonics Skill: Short A sound and -ck words
Grammar: Complete sentences
Sight Words: every, come, call, hear, said, away
Spelling Words: an, bad, can, had, cat, ran,

This week we will start our unit on addition! We will learn the parts of an addition sentence (addends, plus sign, equal sign), start making our flashcards and learning how to add by counting on. Please start practicing flash cards at home!

This week, we will begin a Science unit on Light and Sound. Our first few lessons will focus on making observations and learning how science experiments are done.

Social Studies
This week we will begin a Social Studies unit on Responsible Citizenship. This week we will learn about
rules and laws in our home, school, and community.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Week of 9/13

Dear Parents,

Welcome to our Classroom Blog! We are so excited to start our first full week of first grade and I look forward to seeing you tonight at Back to School Night! We have a lot of fun things planned so keep checking our classroom blog for updates and pictures of what is going on in Room 19!

Here are a few reminders for this week:

- Back to School Night is tonight at 6:30pm. Please review the presentation and have your questions ready! Please use the Zoom link to access the meeting. A packet with some more info will be sent home today in your child's Home Folder today.

- The first few weeks of school are very important for setting expectations and learning our classroom routines and procedures. Students thrive in environments where they feel comfortable and know what is expected of them. I urge you to also have expectations and routines at home as well. For example, each day after school your child can eat a snack, empty their home folder, complete their homework and practice their sight words and spelling words for the week. Simple chores like packing their school bags, helping pack lunches/snack and making their beds will help your child to become responsible, organized and independent!

- Please be sure to check your child's "Home Folder" with them every night. You can empty out any papers that were completed in school. These will be in the "Home" side of the folder. If anything needs to be signed or turned in, please place it in the "To School" side. I ask that your child's clip chart calendar be initialed each night. Please make sure that the calendar, homework (if a worksheet) and Sight Words envelope stay in the "To School" and be returned each day.

- On Friday, we will be having our One Book, One School Book Club. We will be talking about "The Wish Tree" and completing a fun activity.

- Friday will be a Dress Down Day. Please send in $1.00 with your child. Please also review the dress down day policy in the school handbook.

- Please email me with any questions or concerns :)

Miss Tosti


Religion: practice saying the Hail Mary
Reading: Reading Notebook page 75
Math: workbook page 1 and 2

Religion: practice saying the Hail Mary
Reading: RN page 74
Math: wb page 3 and 4

Religion: practice saying the Hail Mary
Reading: RN page 78
Math: wb page 5 and 6

Religion: practice saying the Hail Mary
Reading: RN page 83
Math: wb page 7 and 8

A Peek at Our Week

We will be learning about the story of creation and how we were all made in the image and likeness of God in Chapter 1. We will also learn about how God made each of us unique!

Story: "Jack and the Wolf"
Target Skill: Characters
Phonics Skill: Short A sound and -ck words
Grammar: Complete sentences
Magic Words: every, come, call, hear, said, away
SpellingWords:  an, bad, can, had, cat, ran,

This week we will focus on writing numbers and number words. We will also work on putting numbers in order and filling in missing numbers and counting forwards and backwards.

This week, we will begin a Science unit on Light and Sound. Our first few lessons will focus on making observations and learning how science experiments are done.

Social Studies
This week we will begin a Social Studies unit on Responsible Citizenship. This week we will learn about
rules and laws in our home, school, and community.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Week of 6/14


Dear Parents,

A few quick things on the last blog of the year!

- We had a great time at Donuts with Dudes last week! Thanks to all of the dudes who came to spend some quality time with us! Even though it was hot, we had a super time!

- No school on Thursday!

- Friday is the last day! We will watch the last Mass virtually in our classrooms and then be dismissed by a long car line...

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank each of you for all of your support this during this crazy year. One of the most rewarding things about teaching first grade is actually seeing how much progress the kids make in just 9 short months. Every year I am amazed by how much the kids have grown, not only academically, but socially and emotionally too. This could not happen without you and all that you do for your children.

To say I am proud of this group for all that they dealt with and persevered through this year would be an understatement. Even though it wasn't a typical year, we still had a lot of fun! I am looking forward to summer, but I will miss seeing their smiling faces each day! I hope you all have a safe, fun and happy summer!

See you next Fall!

Miss Tosti

Monday, June 7, 2021

Week of 6/7

Dear Parents,

Summer break is quickly approaching! The kids are allowed to wear their gym uniforms all week due to the heat wave. Here are your reminders for the rest of the week

- Donuts with Dudes will be tomorrow morning at 8:30am on the playground. Right now the forecast looks good.  All "dudes" should meet us in the playground area with a blanket and help themselves to a cup of coffee and two donuts. We will meet you outside and have some other activities for you to do!

- Homework this week is to study for exams. Please let me know if you have any questions about the exam schedule.

- The last few tests we have taken will not be sent home to sign. Grades will all be posted on Option C. If you have any questions about a test please let me know and I can send it home.

- Half days start on Wednesday for the rest of the year. Please make sure you child knows how they are getting home since some buses won't be running.

- The Terra Nova Home Reports were sent home with the oldest or only child child today. If you have any questions about them please let me know!

- "The Wish Tree" by Kyo Maclear is the One Book, One School summer reading for this year! A copy was sent home with your child today! All summer reading info has been posted on the school website!

- Next Monday is first grade Spirit Day! The kids can wear blue and white or their gym uniform! Please make sure they have a water bottle labeled with their name for Monday! 

I think that is it! Have a great week!

Miss Tosti

Final Exam Schedule:

Wednesday, June 9th - Religion

Thursday, June 10th - Math

Friday, June 11th - Phonics

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Week of 6/1

Congrats to the first grade Peacemakers, especially our very own, Reagan Schoettler!

Dear Parents,

Summer break is quickly approaching! We have a lot to do this week! Here are your reminders:

- Doughnuts with Dudes will be next Tuesday (weather permitting) at 8:30am on the playground. All "dudes" should bring a picnic blanket to sit on and meet us on the playground. An invite was sent home today with all the information. More reminders will be on the blog next week.

- A letter with the exam schedule and study guides were sent home today! These study guides can STAY HOME and are for you to complete and review with your child. We will be completing a set in school this week and they will be sent home when they are completed.

- The only homework for this week will be to review for exams using the study guides that were sent home. If you have any questions about exams etc. please let me know!

- There will be a reading and spelling test on Whistle for Willie on Friday. This will count as the final reading test/exam for this year!

- Just a reminder that half days start next Wednesday, June 9th! Please be sure your child knows how they are getting home each day and be sure to check if your child's bus is providing transportation on these days.

I think that is it! Have a great week!

Miss Tosti

Final Exam Schedule:

Wednesday, June 9th - Religion

Thursday, June 10th - Math

Friday, June 11th - Phonics

We loved making our l'oo'king glasses to practice the "oo" sound last week!

We looked pretty "cool"!

Monday, May 24, 2021

Week of 5/24

We worked on finding the attributes of 3D figures last week!

Dear Parents,

This is our last week in May! It will be a short one but we still have a lot going on! Please be sure to read all of the reminders:

- This week we will start our last story of the year. We will have a spelling and reading test on this story next Friday and it will count as the reading exam. 

- Next week more information on exams will be on the blog and the exam schedule and study guides will be sent home. 

- We hope you can join us in person or virtually at our first grade Mass tomorrow morning at 9:00 am! The kids have been working hard and are very excited! Virtual students will sign on at 10:35 am.

- I'm sure you read the email about the mask restrictions being lifted for recess and outside gym! This is great news! Masks still need to be worn inside and we are running low on extras so if you could make sure your child has an extra or 2 packed in their schoolbag it would be a big help, especially with how bad the allergies have been. Thanks!

- No school Thursday, 5/27 through Monday, 5/31! Please note that Thursday is no longer an asynchronous day!

- Doughnuts with Dudes is planned for Tuesday, June 8th at 8:30 am in the recess yard if weather permits. Each child gets to invite one "dude" for coffee and doughnuts and some quality time! Dads, grandparents, uncles, close friends are all considered dudes :). More information will sent home next week!
We are finishing up our unit on geography and we got to make our very own maps!


Reading: page 111
practice Magic Words
Math: page 164, 165

Reading: page 117
practice Magic Words
Math: page 166 and 167

A Peek at Our Week!

We will start Chapter 23 "We Celebrate the Mass" and learn about the parts of the Mass.

Story: "Whistle for Willie"
Target Skill: Cause and Effect
Phonics Skill: 'oo' sound
Grammar: pronouns
Magic Words: again, along, began, boy, father, house, nothing, together
Spelling Words: look, book, good, hook, brook, took, shook, foot, wood, hood

We will start our final unit on fractions and work on learning about equal parts, halves, quarters and thirds.