Monday, October 16, 2017

Week of 10/16

Mrs. Mullin surprised us (in full costume) this week to read to us!

Dear Parents,

I hope you enjoyed the weekend! There are a lot of reminders this week and here they are! Check out the pictures of our math centers this week at the bottom of the blog to see how we have been learning about addition :).

- Winter uniforms start this week.

- School pictures will be taken on Thursday. Forms will be sent home today.

- We will have a spelling and reading test on Friday.

- A Sign-Up Genius for conferences will be sent out to you this week. Conferences will be on Thursday, November 2nd and Friday, November 3rd.

- Friday, October 21st is "Walk With the Principal". Students are to wear their gym uniforms to school. Please note that the winter uniform for gym includes sweatpants. Students must wear sweatpants to school every Thursday. They can wear shorts underneath and wear them in gym class if they want, but sweatpants must be worn for the rest of the day. Thanks for your cooperation.

- Wednesday, October 25th is Grandparents/Special Friends Day from 8:30-9:30 am.

- Don't forget to mark your calendars for the First Grade Saints Celebration which will be on Friday, October 27th at 9:00am. We will read our reports this week to learn about everyone's saint. Please start getting a simple costume together for the celebration.

- Please check your child's school supplies! Many of them need pencils and some other art supplies.

Have a great week!
Miss Tosti


Reading: page 106
practice Magic Words
Math: page 20

Reading: page 113
practice Magic Words
Math: page 21

Reading: page 114
practice Magic Words
Math: page 22

Reading: study for tests tomorrow
Math: FIM

A Peek at Our Week!

We will begin Chapter 3 "Jesus Grew Up in a Family". We will learn about the birth of Jesus and the Holy Family.

Story: "A Musical Day"
Target Skill: Sequence of evens
Phonics Skill: Short o sound and -l blends 
Grammar: Complete sentences and nouns
Magic Words: her, now, our, she, today, would, look, what, he, too
Spelling Words: on, pop, got, not, fox, hop, slot, plop, look, what 
Tests on Friday!

This week we will continue our unit on addition. We will learn that adding is putting two parts together to make a whole. We will also learn the terms "addend" and "sum".  We will practice writing addition sentences (2 + 3 = 5) and drawing pictures to illustrate addition sentences. We will also start using ten frames.

Learning Addition

Last week we started our unit on addition! Before adding numbers together we learned exactly what addition was. We came up with the definition and hand motions that "part + part = whole" meaning addition is taking two parts and putting them together to make one whole. We then learned the vocabulary for the words part and whole and switched our definition to "addend + addend = sum". I told the kids to ask their siblings or parents if they knew those vocab words!

After we understood the concept of addition we began practicing illustrating pictures and using manipulatives to represent the two addends and the sum. From there, the kids began writing number sentences from word problems and solving them.  

The kids really enjoy center time and they work so well in small groups. I enjoy it because I get to work with each group and plan activities that the hands on. The first center was called "Scarecrow Addition". The kids solved addition problems by circling the bigger addend and using the "counting on" strategy to solve for the answer. The second center was called "Counting Around". Each student rolled the dice twice and added their rolls together for the first addend. The second student did the same to get the second addend and the third student solved for the sum. The last center was called "Sea Creature Math". I took the center group and we made up word problems and illustrated the number sentence by drawing different sea creatures! 

Scarecrow Addition

Counting Around

Counting Around

Sea Creature Math

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