Week of 5/25
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Tuesday, 5/26
Whole Class Zoom - 10:30am to read our story together
1. Journal - Write a list of your 3 favorite memories from first grade this year! We will share this on Thursday at our last class zoom!
1. Write the date at the top of the page: May 26, 2020
2. Write your answer using neat handwriting, uppercase letters and punctuation marks.
3. Read your entry to an adult or older sibling and fix any mistakes.
4. Illustrate your entry with a colorful picture.
2. Watch this VIDEO to:
- learn new Magic Words
- copy them down on index cards or in your HW copybook
3. Complete reading workbook pages 109
3. Complete reading workbook pages 109
4. Watch this VIDEO to:
- learn about the "oo" sound
- take your practice spelling test with "oo" words
5. Complete reading workbook pages 108 and 111
6. If you can't make the meeting watch this VIDEO to:
- read our new story this for this week
6. If you can't make the meeting watch this VIDEO to:
- read our new story this for this week
1. Watch this VIDEO to:
- learn about one half (1/2) and equal parts
- complete Big Book pages 553-554
2. Watch this VIDEO to:
- learn about what symmetry is
- complete Big Book pages 333-334
Chapter 23 - We Celebrate the Mass
1. Do Special Intentions
2. Read and discuss pages 259-263
- Mass is the Church's greatest celebration.
- We gather as a parish to remember all that God and Jesus did for us.
- We always begin Mass when the priest says "May the Lord be with you.." We respond, "And with your Spirit!"
- The first part of Mass is called the Liturgy of the Word where we listen to God's word from the Bible.
- The first reading is always a story about before Jesus was born. The second reading is always a story about when Jesus was alive. The reader ends the readings by saying, "The Word of the Lord" and we respond, "Thanks be to God!"
- The priest reads the Gospel. This is a story about when Jesus was alive. The priest ends the Gospel by saying, "The Gospel of the Lord" and we respond, "Praise to you Lord, Jesus Christ!"
- These reading are meant to teach us how God wants us to live our lives!
Wednesday, 5/27 -
Move Up Day 9:30-9:50: Meet the Mrs. DePetris and Miss Fitzpatrick to learn about how fun 2nd grade will be! (Link as posted in weekly email)
1. Review Magic Words and Spelling words
2. Complete "Write 3 Ways"
3. Complete Reading workbook pages 110 and 117
4. Watch this VIDEO to:
- learn about possessive pronouns
- complete reading workbook page 112
5. Watch this VIDEO to:
- read the story and complete reading workbook pages 115-116
1. Watch this VIDEO to:
- complete the test review pages for your test tomorrow
- use THIS slide show to review 2D shapes if you need extra practice
1. Do Special Intentions
2. Read and discuss pages 264-267
- The second part of the Mass is called the Liturgy of the Eucharist. It is when we remember the Last Supper that Jesus had with his Apostles.
- Parishioners bring up the gifts of bread and wine to the priest.
- The priest then does what Jesus did at the Last Supper and turns the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus. This is called the consecration.
- After the consecration, we say the Our Father and give the Sign of Peace with one another.
- Then we receive Holy Communion (if you have received the sacrament).
3. Complete "Parts of the Mass" worksheet
Thursday, 5/28
Whole Class Zoom at 10:30am - End of the year Beach Bash! Wear your favorites sunglasses, beach hat or bring some beach props! Be ready to share your journal from Tuesday.
1. Review Magic Words and Spelling words
2. Complete "Pyramid Writing"
3. Complete reading workbook pages 117, 120
4. Watch this VIDEO to:
- complete reading workbook page 118
5. Watch this VIDEO to:
- read the story and complete "Cause and Effect" worksheet
1. Watch this VIDEO to:
- take the math test
1. Do Special Intentions
2. Complete pages 268-269
3. Take test on page 270
Friday, 5/15
Catch up/Specials/Enrichment Day
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