It was so nice to meet all of the grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles and other special friends last Wednesday. It was a special day that I am sure no one will forget! Check out the pictures below.
Here are the reminders for this week:
- I am sending some tests home today. Please sign and return them tomorrow.
- There will be a Home and School meeting on Tuesday night at 7:00pm. A dress down pass will be awarded to the class with the highest attendance! There will be some great speakers so if you can attend please do.
- We will be visiting the 8th Grade Business Day on Wednesday. If you would like to send your child with a few dollars (I think $5-10 would be more than enough) so they can buy something that would be great, but it is not required. All proceeds will be donated to a charity of the 8th grades choice.
- We will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Friday. A special thank you to Mrs. Sharkey and Mrs. Doyle for setting this up! We will be making bags prior to the party for valentines to be put in. Please make sure that your child makes a valentine for every person in the class and don't forget we welcomed our new student Stella Scott, in January! If you need a class list please let me know.
- The first grade won a dress down day back in November! We have decided to use it on Friday for the party!
- We will be having our second "Share and Teach" on Thursday. Students may bring in one special item (needs to fit in their schoolbag) and need to be prepared to tell the class three things about it. It would be great to practice a few times at home before Thursday.
- We will have a Religion test on Chapter 10 on Friday. A review sheet will be sent home this week.
Have a great week!
Miss Tosti
Reading: study Magic Words
RN page 135
Math: workbook page 58
study facts
Tuesday - no homework due to H&S meeting
Reading: study Magic Words
RN page
Math: workbook page
study facts
Reading: study Magic Words
RN page 134
Math: workbook page 60
study facts
Reading: study Magic Words
RN page 137
RN page 137
Math: FIM for 15 minutes
study facts
Religion: Study for test
Religion: Study for test
A Peek at Our Week!
This week we will finish up Chapter 10 "Jesus Sends the Holy Spirit." We will learn about the Ascension and Pentecost.
Story: A Cupcake Party
Target Skill: Story Structure
Phonics Skill: short u and final blends -ft, -st, -sp, -nt, -nd, -mp, -sk, we will also work with long u
Grammar Skill: using a, an, the, working with synonyms
Spelling words: us, sun, but, fun, bus, run, eat, give, one, put, some, take
Spelling words: us, sun, but, fun, bus, run, eat, give, one, put, some, take
We will begin working with place value this week. Specifically with ones and tens.
We will continue to do timed math, however the amount of time to complete the 60 problems will go down. Please make sure your child is studying their facts each night. There are a ton of apps and websites that they can used to practice!
Timed math worksheets can be found at the website below. All you need to do is select all of the numbers next to "Adding," click "Create Worksheet" at the bottom of the page and print!

Here are some pictures from Grandparents/Special Friends Day!
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