Dear Parents,
I hope you all survived Jonas and enjoyed the extra day at home! We will get right back in to the swing of things today. Here are some reminders:
- Pictures for the yearbook will be taken tomorrow so please do not use any dress down passes tomorrow.
- There will be a spelling and reading test on Friday.
- The kids should be able to complete most of their homework by themselves at this point in the year (reading the directions and sentences/questions), but I ask that you please check and make sure that all homework is completed. If your child has any trouble please let me know so I can review it with them at school.
That is all for now!
Miss Tosti
Reading: practice Magic Words
read for 15 minutes
Reading page 184
Phonics page 224
Phonics page 224
Math: workbook page 61
study facts
study facts
Reading: practice Magic Words
read for 15 minutes
Reading page 185
Phonics page 225
Reading page 185
Phonics page 225
Math: workbook page 62
study facts
study facts
Reading: practice Magic Words
read for 15 minutes
Reading page 189
Phonics page 226
Reading page 189
Phonics page 226
Math: workbook page 63
study facts
study facts
A Peek at Our Week!
We will begin Chapter 9 "Jesus Died and Rose to New Life" this week.
Story: "Seasons"
Target Skill: Cause and effect
Phonics Skill: Long E, digraph -sh, -wh, -ph and contractions 's and n't
Grammar: Subjects and verbs
Magic Words: down, fall, goes, green, grow, new, open, yellow, many, pull, down, want
Story: "Seasons"
Target Skill: Cause and effect
Phonics Skill: Long E, digraph -sh, -wh, -ph and contractions 's and n't
Grammar: Subjects and verbs
Magic Words: down, fall, goes, green, grow, new, open, yellow, many, pull, down, want
Spelling Words: ship, shop, which, when, whip, fish, want, like, this, look
*Reading and spelling test will be this FridaytMath
We will continue our unit on place value this week. We will learn about the tens and ones place and practice identifying tens and ones in numbers.